Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token e when try to parse a JSON string

I try to use JSON.parse to return a javascript object of the string below. However, I receive "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token e" .

    "__type": "HRIS.oHRData, HRIES, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
    "TPDDListValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "DPDDListValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "TopDataValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([
        new Ajax.Web.DataTable([
            ["123456789","ABCD1","ABCD2","ABCD3 ","ABCD4",2]
    "DownDataValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "MenuDataValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "SearchReturnValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "Result": null,
    "NewID": "NoID",
    "AffectedRecords": 0

I use this code:

var text= 'the json string here';

var obj=JSON.parse(text);

I think the issue is that JSON doesn't recognize the type of new Ajax.Web.DataSet([])

How can I solve this issue, please?

Any idea is appreciated.

Many thanks,

If you're really just dropping that into your code, you don't need quotes and you don't need to parse it:

var theObject = {
    "__type": "HRIS.oHRData, HRIES, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
    "TPDDListValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "DPDDListValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "TopDataValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([
        new Ajax.Web.DataTable([
            ["123456789","ABCD1","ABCD2","ABCD3 ","ABCD4",2]
    "DownDataValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "MenuDataValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "SearchReturnValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]),
    "Result": null,
    "NewID": "NoID",
    "AffectedRecords": 0

This will require that whatever service provides that Ajax object exists.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/45994.html

上一篇: json.parse意外令牌错误

下一篇: 未捕获的SyntaxError:尝试解析JSON字符串时意外的令牌e