How to send message from content script to panel?

I got some problems with the messaging among the main.js, page-mod's content script and panel's content script in my firefox addon.I transfer the chrome extension code to firefox addon.

  • What is the order of these js files loaded? I try to figure out with console,but the log is refreshed.

  • I have transfer the chrome specific API to firefox addon API,but I can't sure the other native message js code should change.Now,I will show you the example. in main.js :

    var pmworker = []
    var pagemod = PageMod({
       include: ['*'],
       contentScriptWhen: 'start',
       contentScriptFile: [data.url('pm-content.js')],
       onAttach: function(worker) {
           function(data) {
                switch (data.type) {
                case 'some type':
                   do something;
            worker.on('detach',function() {
               detachWorker(this, pmworker);
    var panel = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
      width: 322,
      height: 427,
      contentURL: data.url("panel.html"),
    panel.on('message', function(messagedata) {
        switch(messagedata.type) {
          case 'some type':
  • in pm-content.js :

    var sendInfoToFrame = function(){
        var frameWindow = document.getElementById(iframeId).contentWindow;
        var infoMsg = {type:"some type",content:something};
        frameWindow.postMessage(infoMsg, "*");

    in the panel.html 's head include a panel.js with script tag:

    function addParentListener(){
        window.addEventListener("message",function (e) {
            if(message.type="some type"){
                //do something

    so the message can be sent from pm-content.js to panel.js with contentWindow.postMessage ? And the panel.js use window.addListener to receive the msg(these example code from panel.js and pm-content.js is copied from chrome extension code,and I don't change it)?

    Conversely,How is the msg sent from panel.js to content script ? I also copy the same code from chrome and I don't whether it's right. The example code is: in the panel.js:

    function sendSomeMessage(value){
        var message = {type : "sometp",value: value};
        window.parent.postMessage(message, "*");

    and the receive code in the pm-content.js :

       function addMessageListener() {
        window.addEventListener("message",function(e) {
                var message =;
                if (message.type == null) {
                var msgType = message.type;
                switch (msgType) {
                case "sometp":
                        //do something
        }, false);

    I run the code and I get lots of errors.So should I change these messaging code and How ? Thank you.

    What is the order of these js files loaded? I try to figure out with console,but the log is refreshed.

    Use the Network Panel instead of the console

    I have transfer the chrome specific API to firefox addon API,but I can't sure the other native message js code should change.Now,I will show you the example. in main.js:

    Use or analyze an existing tool, as in a similar question:

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    上一篇: Firefox扩展util / match

    下一篇: 如何从内容脚本发送消息到面板?