WCF REST + Windsor error handling

I want to handle application's internal exceptions in a consistent way so that REST web services return errors in a RESTful way.

I'm using Castle's WCF integration and I couldn't find any good sources on how to do handle errors using WcfIntegration.WindsorServiceHostFactory . The only solution that comes to mind is to use Castle's interceptors on web service methods to catch "internal" exceptions and translate them to HTTP response properties (for example: KeyNotFoundException would be translated to 404 Not Found status code).

Are there any better ways? Thanks.

标准WCF IErrorHandler呢?

Check out my answer to this question. I think the reason for the HttpContext.Current being null may be related.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/45332.html

上一篇: 您能否将错误视为RESTful API中的资源?

下一篇: WCF REST + Windsor错误处理