How to make pycharm break on My Exceptions

Possible Duplicate:
break on unhandled exception in pycharm

I'm new in Python and I'm trying to debug my first python program using PyCharm 1.5. I want debugger to break when exception occurs in my code (and only in mine).

For now the situation is following: I use (Ctrl + Shift + F8 ) Dialog to configure debugger and If i set Suspend All = true and All exceptions = true then debugger breaks far too often, for example, it breaks somewhere inside PyCharm which is annoying to skip every time. And if I set any other options then debugger does not break even when exception occurs in my code.

PS: By the way, if I just skip breaks in PyCharm then execution continues without visible errors. So I do not understand why it breaks at all

One way to tell apart your exceptions from exceptions coming from a library, is to have them derive from a custom class, eg if your module is called Foo, you could have

class FooException(Exception):

and have more specific exceptions derive from this:

class MyMathException(FooException):
   # etc.

Then, in PyCharm, instead of enabling All Exceptions , add FooException to the list of exceptions to break upon.


上一篇: pycharm运行wayyyy缓慢

下一篇: 如何使pycharm在我的例外中断