Youtube redirecting http to https and using flash player instead of HTML5

I am using the youtube embed to show videos. Using IE11 (also FF28 but not FF27), when I am logged into my google account, the http request gets redirected to https, which isn't a big deal, except that even though I am specifying the html5 player, youtube serves up the flash player.

Is there some way to force http or force the html5 player over https?

Re-create: Log in to google account and navigate to url "" redirects to https and flash player

Log out of google account and navigate to url "" Stays http and gets html5 player

Thanks in advance!

If you put the video in a sandboxed iframe and don't specifically allow plugins it can't load flashplayer, and thus has to use the html5 player. Note you have to at a minimum allow-same-origin, and allow-scripts or playback doesn't work. If you want the youtube button to be able to open the youtube page for the video you will also need allow-popups. Note that in the new window created from the youtube button the sandbox is still in effect even if navigated elsewhere manually by typing in a new URL.

<iframe seamless="" height="100%" width="100%"
  sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts"

上一篇: Php动态嵌入YouTube视频

下一篇: YouTube将http重定向到https并使用Flash Player而不是HTML5