Mobile HTML5 Frameworks

I need to know the best suited mobile frameworks which greatly exploits the functionalities of HTML5. Some of the choices I have are:

  • PhoneGap
  • JQuery Mobile
  • Sencha Touch
  • Can you friends just guide me based on the experience you have with mobile apps development Thanks

    Some specific facts that might help you would be to compare the documentation for each of the frameworks. I've found that how a mobile framework is documented is the number 1 thing that is important to me when i get deep into it. So here are the links to each of the documentations.

    Sencha Touch

    Consequently, you may want to familiarize exactly WHAT constitutes a "mobile" framework. For example, i use both phonegap AND sencha touch. So take some time to read up on exactly what's what. Sometimes you can use multiple frameworks together.

    Not exactly a framework, you may want to try Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder - It's a cloud service for building HTML5 and native apps. The builder uses jQuery Mobile, and PhoneGap (for native).

    Note: I work for Exadel, the company behind Tiggr.


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