Recommendation for converting from Qt app to Web app

I currently have a Qt-based GUI application that simply provides a graphical dashboard (guages, graphs, and such) displaying real-time data provided by another application via a TCP connection. For architectural and security reasons, I have been told that my TCP connection is no longer allowed, and that an HTTPS websocket will be my only conduit. It was suggested that I convert my app to a webapp using HTML5 and Javascript. However, I'm not a web programmer, but may consider this an opportunity to learn a new technology. I want to understand the landscape a little better before making a decision. So, I think my choices are:

  • Convert my app to a web app, giving me all the advantages/disadvantages of web-based apps. More work for me, as it's a new technology and I already have the Qt/TCP version working fine. If this is the suggested approach, any suggestions on a development environment/tools would be appreciated.

  • Convert my current Qt app to us a client HTTPS connection rather than a TCP connection. Not sure this is possible. From what I've read, this may not be possible with QtWebKit. Seems strange?

  • Maybe there's another choice I'm not considering?

    You can also use a mixed approach, using WT library. It's c++ (and QT inspired) based. It has a nice toolkit and supports websockets.

    I just went through a similar exercise for work recently. We settled on the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) framework for doing our web apps. It's completely java-based, meaning you write (almost) everything in Java and the GWT compiler converts it to Javascript for you. We used the GWT-EventService plugin for pushing data from the server to the clients.

    I wish I had know about this WT library before we started though, that looks interesting.

    Porting requires a lot of work. On Qt side there are at least two implementations of WebSockets:

  • QtWebSocket, Qt-based websocket server implementation and alpha-state implementation of websocket client.
  • WebSocket++, Boost-based websocket server and client implementation.
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