
我最近发现,类型孔与证明上的模式匹配相结合,在Haskell中提供了非常好的Agda式的体验。 例如:

    DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeFamilies, 
    UndecidableInstances, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}

data (==) :: k -> k -> * where
    Refl :: x == x

sym :: a == b -> b == a
sym Refl = Refl 

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

data SNat :: Nat -> * where
    SZero :: SNat Zero
    SSucc :: SNat n -> SNat (Succ n)

type family a + b where
    Zero   + b = b
    Succ a + b = Succ (a + b)

addAssoc :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat c -> (a + (b + c)) == ((a + b) + c)
addAssoc SZero b c = Refl
addAssoc (SSucc a) b c = case addAssoc a b c of Refl -> Refl

addComm :: SNat a -> SNat b -> (a + b) == (b + a)
addComm SZero SZero = Refl
addComm (SSucc a) SZero = case addComm a SZero of Refl -> Refl
addComm SZero (SSucc b) = case addComm SZero b of Refl -> Refl
addComm sa@(SSucc a) sb@(SSucc b) =
    case addComm a sb of
        Refl -> case addComm b sa of
            Refl -> case addComm a b of
                Refl -> Refl 

真正好的是,我可以用一个类型空洞替换Refl -> exp结构的右侧,并且我的空洞目标类型用证明进行更新,几乎与Agda中的rewrite表单一样。


(+.) :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a + b)
SZero   +. b = b
SSucc a +. b = SSucc (a +. b)
infixl 5 +.

type family a * b where
    Zero   * b = Zero
    Succ a * b = b + (a * b)

(*.) :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a * b)
SZero   *. b = SZero
SSucc a *. b = b +. (a *. b)
infixl 6 *.

mulDistL :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat c -> (a * (b + c)) == ((a * b) + (a * c))
mulDistL SZero b c = Refl
mulDistL (SSucc a) b c = 
    case sym $ addAssoc b (a *. b) (c +. a *. c) of
        -- At this point the target type is
        -- ((b + c) + (n * (b + c))) == (b + ((n * b) + (c + (n * c))))
        -- The next step would be to update the RHS of the equivalence:
        Refl -> case addAssoc (a *. b) c (a *. c) of
            Refl -> _ -- but the type of this hole remains unchanged...


mulDistL' :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat c -> (a * (b + c)) == ((a * b) + (a * c))
mulDistL' SZero b c = Refl
mulDistL' (SSucc a) b c = case
    (sym $ addAssoc b (a *. b) (c +. a *. c),
    addAssoc (a *. b) c (a *. c),
    addComm (a *. b) c,
    sym $ addAssoc c (a *. b) (a *. c),
    addAssoc b c (a *. b +. a *. c),
    mulDistL' a b c
    ) of (Refl, Refl, Refl, Refl, Refl, Refl) -> Refl




这可能不是你想要的(即“除了使用just(x,y),因为z = 5 - x - y”),但它比尝试对类型级别实施某种强制限制以允许有效更有意义值。

它发生是因为这些值是在运行时确定的。 它可以根据运行时输入的内容实现值的转换,因此它假定该孔已经更新。

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/43273.html

上一篇: Erratic hole type resolution

下一篇: Haskell type vs. newtype with respect to type safety