List of GHC extensions

I wanted to use {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} but I forgot how it's called. This kind of thing isn't hoogle-able, and also it takes some time finding using google*.

Is there somewhere a list of GHC extensions named as they are in the LANGUAGE pragma?

* My googling search journey:

  • Google
  • Haskell at wikipedia
  • GHC at wikipedia
  • GHC language features
  • Overload string literals
  • OverloadedStrings

  • The "Language options" section of the flag reference page has a list that's much more easily browseable than the language features page.

    Once you're there a Ctrl-F search for "overloaded" takes you right to what you want.

    ghci's tab-completion knows. Type :set -X at a ghci prompt, then hit Tab, and you'll get a full list. Or :set -XFoo then Tab will get you a list of all extensions beginning with Foo .

    $ ghc --supported-languages



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