Make A Date Null

Can someone help me fix my code I am trying to put null in sql server through a function that is excepting _dtSWO.

If I set _dtSWO = Nothing it returns #12:00:00 AM# which throws an exception. The field is nullable in sql server I just want it to return a blank

Dim _swoDate As String = udSWOReceivedDateDateEdit.Text
        Dim _dtSWO As Date

        If _swoDate <> "" Then
            _dtSWO = Date.Parse(udSWOReceivedDateDateEdit.Text)
            'THIS DOESNT WORK
            _dtSWO = Nothing
        End If

You need to use a Nullable type. By default, Date does not except null (Nothing in VB.Net) as a value. Nullable types do accept null (Nothing).

    Dim _dtSWO As Nullable(Of Date)

    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(_swoDate) Then
        _dtSWO = Date.Parse(udSWOReceivedDateDateEdit.Text)
        _dtSWO = Nothing
    End If

Edited based on the comment.

Make it Nullable. Same kind of situation as your Nullable Integer question.

Dim _swoDate As String = udSWOReceivedDateDateEdit.Text
Dim _dtSWO As Date?

If _swoDate <> "" Then
    _dtSWO = Date.Parse(udSWOReceivedDateDateEdit.Text)
    _dtSWO = Nothing
End If

上一篇: Petpoco问题与可空SQl服务器smallint和int16在

下一篇: 使日期为空