How to get Python to print primes into a text file?

This question already has an answer here:

  • How do you append to a file? 8 answers

  • fo = open('primes.txt', 'w') #tells python to open the file and delete everything in it

    perhaps you want

    fo = open('primes.txt', 'a') # tells python to append to the file

    really you should not be doing this at all you should use with to safely open your file and do it once only outside of the loop

    with open("primes.txt","w") as fo:
        for n in range (x,y):
            if all(n%i!=0 for i in range (2,n)):
                print (">>>Writing the values to primes.txt...")
                print ("##########Calculated by my prime calculator##########", file = fo)
                print ("", file = fo)
                print ((a), file = fo)

    上一篇: Python连续写入失败

    下一篇: 如何让Python将素数打印到文本文件中?