Megaparsec, backtracking user state with StateT and ParsecT

Using Megaparsec 5. Following this guide, I can achieve a back-tracking user-state by combining StateT and ParsecT (non-defined types should be obvious/irrelevant):

type MyParser a = StateT UserState (ParsecT Dec T.Text Identity) a

if I run a parser p :: MyParser a , like this:

parsed = runParser (runStateT p initialUserState) "" input

The type of parsed is:

Either (ParseError Char Dec) (a, UserState)

Which means, in case of error, the user state is lost.

Is there any way to have it in both cases?

EDIT: Could I perhaps, in case of error, use a custom error component instead of Dec (a feature introduced in 5.0) and encapsulate the user state in there?

You can use a custom error component combined with the observing function for this purpose (see this great post for more information):

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Main where

import Text.Megaparsec
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

data MyState = MyState Int deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
data MyErrorComponent = MyErrorComponent (Maybe MyState) deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

instance ErrorComponent MyErrorComponent where
    representFail _ = MyErrorComponent Nothing 
    representIndentation _ _ _= MyErrorComponent Nothing 

type Parser = StateT MyState (Parsec MyErrorComponent String)

trackState :: Parser a -> Parser a
trackState parser = do
    result <- observing parser -- run parser but don't fail right away
    case result of
        Right x -> return x -- if it succeeds we're done here
        Left ParseError {..} -> do
            state <- get -- read the current state to add it to the error component
            failure errorUnexpected errorExpected $
                if Set.null errorCustom then Set.singleton (MyErrorComponent $ Just state) else errorCustom

In the above snipped, observing functions a bit like a try / catch block that catches a parse error, then reads the current state and adds the it to the custom error component. The custom error component in turn is returned when runParser returns a ParseError .

Here's a demonstration how this function could be used:

a = trackState $ do
    put (MyState 6)
    string "foo"

b = trackState $ do
    put (MyState 5)

main = putStrLn (show $ runParser (runStateT b (MyState 0)) "" "bar") 

In reality you would probably want to do something more clever (for instance I imagine you could also add the entire stack of states you go through while traversing the stack).

You could try sandwiching ParserT between two State s, like

type MyParser a = StateT UserState (ParsecT Dec T.Text (State UsersState)) a

And write special-purpose put and modify operations that, after changing the outer state, copy the entire state into the inner State monad using put .

That way, even if parsing fails, you'll have the last "state before failure" available from the inner State monad.


上一篇: 如何在PyCharm virtualenv中安装.whl文件?

下一篇: Megaparsec,用StateT和ParsecT回溯用户状态