Template Haskell Show instance not working

Does anyone know why this code:

module Language.P4.UtilTest where

import Language.P4.Util (mkShow)

data Dummy = Bogus    Char
           | Nonsense Int

$(mkShow ''Dummy)

is producing this error:

Davids-Air-2:P4 dbanas$ stack ghc -- UtilTest.hs -ddump-splices
[1 of 1] Compiling Language.P4.UtilTest ( UtilTest.hs, UtilTest.o )
UtilTest.hs:24:3-16: Splicing declarations
    mkShow ''Dummy
    instance Show Dummy where
      show (Bogus x) = show x
      show (Nonsense x) = show x

UtilTest.hs:24:3: error:
    Conflicting definitions for ‘show’
    Bound at: UtilTest.hs:24:3-16
24 | $(mkShow ''Dummy)
   |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


The TH splice expansion looks correct to me. If I comment out the second constructor ( Nonsense Int ), the code compiles without error. Also, if I enter the TH splice expansion shown, manually, into the code (commenting out the $(mkShow ''Dummy) line, of course), it compiles without error.

mkShow :: Name -> Q [Dec]
mkShow typName = do
  t@(TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ constructors _)) <- reify typName  -- Get all the information on the type.
  let func_name = mkName "show"
  let var_name  = mkName "x"
  let func_decs = map ( c@(NormalC nm _) -> FunD func_name
                                                  [ Clause [ConP (simpleName nm) [VarP var_name]]
                                                           (NormalB (AppE (VarE func_name) (VarE var_name)))
  return [InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT (mkName "Show")) (ConT (simpleName typName))) func_decs]

simpleName :: Name -> Name
simpleName nm =
   let s = nameBase nm
   in case dropWhile (/=':') s of
        []          -> mkName s
        _:[]        -> mkName s
        _:t         -> mkName t

Comment from @user2407038, above, gives the answer. Here is the corrected code for mkShow():

mkShow :: Name -> Q [Dec]
mkShow typName = do
  t@(TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ constructors _)) <- reify typName  -- Get all the information on the type.
  let func_name = mkName "show"
  let var_name  = mkName "x"
  let clause_decs = map ( c@(NormalC nm _) ->
                            Clause [ConP (simpleName nm) [VarP var_name]]
                                   (NormalB (AppE (VarE func_name) (VarE var_name)))
  return [InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT (mkName "Show")) (ConT (simpleName typName))) [FunD func_name clause_decs]]
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下一篇: 模板Haskell显示实例不工作