Make Nginx use the correct passenger gem

I am trying to setup an nginx + sinatra + ubuntu 10.04 + passenger + rvm stack. I followed the directions here:

This is a follow up to this post: Sinatra Gem Won't Install. I also followed the directions given by another stack overflow that essential creates an .rvmrc in my app and I've added the passenger gem.

According to the previous post, I am spawning the wrong passenger.

In my nginx conf file I'm using: passenger_root /home/noahc/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/passenger-3.0.9;

How do I find out which passenger I'm supposed to be spawning and how do I change it?

You can visit http://shiftfrog and see the stacktrace that generated this question and the previous one.

Any ideas? Am I doing this in the wrong order?

Should I setup RVM, then ruby, then follow the directions for setting up the gemset and rvmrc file in my project directory. Then run the rvmsudo passenger-install-nginx-module command from the gemset I created. Currently I ran it outside of the gemset I created according to the previous stackoverflow question I reference earlier.

Thank in advance for any help you could lend.

There is quite nice description on RVM site and Dercys blog:

  • 链接地址:

    上一篇: DreamHost上的Sinatra + Passenger + RVM无法启动

    下一篇: 让Nginx使用正确的乘客宝石