"Incorrect Plot" label in ggpairs

I have a simple question.

How can I get totally blank spaces in the upper panel of a matrix using ggpairs?

I am using this code:

ggpairs(iris, columns = 2:4, title = "[1989]",
        upper = list (continuous = "blanck"), lower = list(continuous = "points"), diag = list(continuous = "blanck"),
        axisLabels = "show",
        legends = TRUE)

I just want the 3 plots on the lower panel, but the code print grids and the label "Incorrect Plot" both in the diagonal and upper panel.

I will appreciate any help!


ggpairs(iris, columns = 2:4, title = "[1989]",
    upper = list (continuous = "blank"), lower = list(continuous = "points"), diag = list(continuous = "blank"),
    axisLabels = "show",
    legends = TRUE)
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/30864.html

上一篇: 定制ggpairs以使相关矩阵更具可读性

下一篇: ggpairs中的“不正确绘图”标签