ggpairs wrong color mapping when factor is numeric

I am having problems with the ggpairs colour mapping. When the variable used to set the colour is a character (converted to a factor), things work as expected:


df <- data.frame(state.x77,
             State =,
             Abbrev =,
             Region = state.region,
             Division = state.division

col.index <- c(3,5,6,7)

p <- ggpairs(df, 

    # columns to include in the matrix
    columns = col.index,

    # what to include above the diagonal
    upper = list(continuous = "cor"),

    # what to include below the diagonal
    lower = list(continuous = "points"),

    # what to include in the diagonal
    diag = "blank",

    # how to label plots
    axisLabels = "show",

    # other aes() parameters
    colour = "Region",
    title = "Plot Title"




Note that the order of the colours in the correlation plots is: green, blue, red, purple.

However, when the variable used to set the colour is numeric (converted to a factor):

df.numeric <- df
df.numeric$Region <- as.character(df.numeric$Region)
df.numeric$Region[which(df.numeric$Region == "Northeast")] <- 1
df.numeric$Region[which(df.numeric$Region == "South")] <- 3
df.numeric$Region[which(df.numeric$Region == "North Central")] <- 10
df.numeric$Region[which(df.numeric$Region == "West")] <- 13
df.numeric$Region <- factor(df.numeric$Region, levels = c(1,3,10,13))

p <- ggpairs(df.numeric, 

    # columns to include in the matrix
    columns = col.index,

    # what to include above the diagonal
    upper = list(continuous = "cor"),

    # what to include below the diagonal
    lower = list(continuous = "points"),

    # what to include in the diagonal
    diag = "blank",

    # how to label plots
    axisLabels = "show",

    # other aes() parameters
    colour = "Region",
    title = "Plot Title"




I get a problem... despite the fact that I made sure the order of the levels is correct (1, 3, 10, 13).

For some reason the colors in the correlation plots have changed order - they are now green, purple, red, blue. However, notice the scatter plots look the same... this means the info no longer corresponds across plots.

I will be using a custom list of colours, each of which must correspond to a specific numerical group (in order to match other plots I am generating). Does anyone know how to fix this?


上一篇: 从ggpairs图中打印单行

下一篇: 当因子是数字时,ggpairs错误的颜色映射