ggplot2 multiple plots keeps old plots

I'm trying to plot 30 histograms from a data frame

'data.frame':   569 obs. of  32 variables:
 $ ID       : int  842302 842517 84300903 84348301 84358402 843786 844359     84458202 844981 84501001 ...
 $ Diag     : Factor w/ 2 levels "B","M": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ Radius   : num  5.1 5.84 5.59 3.24 5.76 ...
 $ Text     : num  2.41 4.13 4.94 4.74 3.33 ...

I want to group all the attributes by Diag (Malign or Benign cancer) and save them in a file as a multiplot (30 individual histograms) together.

But, when I do it my way (iterating over the columns) the ggplot seems to keep the old data somehow and it does not change according to the current column, unless I do it manually.

This is my graphing loop that tries to save each plot in a list:

for (i in 1:to){
  a<-t[1,i] #data.frame with vertical lines I want in the histograms

  g<-ggplot(dataNorm[,c(2,ind)], aes(dataNorm[,ind]))+geom_histogram(aes(fill=Diag), 
  position="identity", colour="#999999", alpha=0.8, binwidth = 0.25)+
  geom_vline(xintercept = a) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#0072B2", "#E69F00"))

rm(g) #trying to make sure its a new plot


And I am using the multiplot function from to plot it together. But I'm getting this output, it only changes the vertical line and keeps only one histogram.

I also had an idea to create another data.frame and in each column put $Diag and other variables with it, but do not know how to iterate over them. Because I thought ggplot does not access the columns I want it to.

Thanks for any help.

PS: This is what I get

my output

aes does non-standard evaluation. It expects a column name (without quotes) of the data.frame passed to the data argument. You can use aes_string to pass a column name as a character string:


上一篇: 使用ggplot从矩阵中绘制一张图

下一篇: ggplot2多个地块保留旧地块