Array containing numbers from 1 to N

I am trying to return an array containing the numbers from 1 to N, where N will never be less than 1 , with the following conditions:

  • If the value is a multiple of 3 : use the value 'Fizz' instead.
  • If the value is a multiple of 5 : use the value 'Buzz' instead.
  • If the value is a multiple of 3 and 5 : use the value 'FizzBuzz' instead.
  • This is what I have right now. Am I going in the right direction?

    def fizzbuzz(n)
      x = [1..n] { |i|
        if (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0)
        elsif (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 != 0) 
        elsif (i % 5 == 0 && i % 3 != 0)
      puts x

    In such a short piece of code, you have so many crucial mistakes and bad habits.

  • [Bug] Your { is not closed.
  • [Bug] You have the wrong object [1..n] .
  • [Bug] You are trying to create an array using map , but somehow you are not doing anything with it, and are instead doing puts on the original object. That is meaningless.
  • [Bug] You haven't given an appropriate value when neither of the condition is met.
  • [Refactor] Your condition is redundant. You only need to either put the (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0) condition at the beginning, or use the i % 5 != 0 and i % 3 != 0 conditions, but not both. The former is smarter.
  • [Refactor] You are using x only once, where chaining is easy. You should do chaining.
  • [Refactor] There is zero? method that you can use.
  • [Refactor] You had some unnecessary parentheses.
  • [Style] Since the conditioned value is short enough, you can put them each in one line.
  • [Style] It is pretty much established among Rubyists to use do ... end rather than { ... } when the block exceeds a single line.
  • Four bugs in thirteen lines is pretty much. A corrected code would be:

    def fizzbuzz(n)
      (1..n).map do |i|
        if (i % 3).zero? && (i % 5).zero? then 'FizzBuzz'
        elsif (i % 3).zero? then               'Fizz'
        elsif (i % 5).zero? then               'Buzz'
        else                                   i
    puts fizzbuzz(10)

    You're in the right direction. The biggest issue is the array definition. The following:

    x = [1..n]

    … will create an array with a single value — a 1..n range object.

    Any of these are valid alternatives:

    x = 1..n          # no need for an array since you're using map
    x = (1..n).to_a   # converts the range to an array explicitly
    x = [*1..n]       # unsplats the range

    The other big issues, as point out by @sawa, are an unclosed bracket and the use of map instead of map! (alternatively, use x = { … } or simply return { … } and move puts outside of the function).

    Some code optimization, it is just additionals to sawa's answer:

    def fizzbuzz(n)
       x = { '' }.map.with_index(1) do |v,i|
          v << 'Fizz' if (i % 3).zero?
          v << 'Buzz' if (i % 5).zero?
          v.empty? && i || v
    # => [1, 2, "Fizz", 4, "Buzz", "Fizz", 7, 8, "Fizz", "Buzz", 11, "Fizz", 13, 14, "FizzBuzz"] 


  • Creating a new array filled with empty strings with n th dimension.
  • Since indexation begins from 1, incrementing to 1 in a loop.
  • Using three condition we set a proper new value for each one in the array.
  • The line v.empty? && i || v v.empty? && i || v v.empty? && i || v can be replace with v.empty? ? i : v v.empty? ? i : v v.empty? ? i : v , but it is for a taste. I prefer && || pair.
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    上一篇: FizzBu​​zz不会使用case / when发出嘶嘶声或嗡嗡声

    下一篇: 包含从1到N的数字的数组