What is the use of 2>&1 in shell scripting

This question already has an answer here:

  • In the shell, what does “ 2>&1 ” mean? 15 answers

  • The short answer is you are redirecting stderr to stdout so you get both error messages written to FD2 as well as normal output on FD1 written to FD1 . (FD = File Descriptor). It generally allows you to capture the output of error messages you want to save in a log file, etc.. that would otherwise not be captured simply by redirecting stdout to the log.

    By way of brief background, your shell has 3 well known file descriptors that cover basic reading and writing:

    0 - stdin (your input buffer)

    1 - stdout (your normal output descriptor)

    2 - stderr (your normal error descriptor)

    When you read or write, just about any programming language, including your shell, makes use of these common file descriptors to manage the input/output. In your shell, you have the ability to redirect or combine output from stdout and stderr . The general format is:

    m > &n    ## where n & m are 1, 2

    You can combine, for instance, both the stdout and stderr from any command to a file with:

    ./someprogram > myfile 2>&1

    Which basically says, "take the output from someprogram on stdout redirect it to myfile while including stderr in stdout .

    There are several good references, one being BASH Programming - Introduction HOW-TO: All about redirection

    Note: Be sure you also understand that redirection can happen on a temporary (per command basis) or can be set for the scope of the script using exec .

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/25590.html

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