How to make a reproducible example of a database connection?

From time to time I need to make reproducible examples about errors I get when querying a database; sometimes these errors cannot be reproduced using the built-in datasets.

Is there any list of publicly available databases that we can use to make reproducible examples? I knew about his one

 src_mysql(dbname = "dplyr", 
                 host = "", 
                 port = 3306, 
                 user = "dplyr",
                 password = "dplyr")

But it gives me an error

Error in .local(drv, ...) : 
  Failed to connect to database: Error: Unknown MySQL Server Host '' (8)

I didn't find any reference to this specific circumstance in the notorious question How to make a great R reproducible example?


my_db <- src_mysql(
  dbname = "shinydemo",
  host = "",
  user = "guest",
  password = "guest"
# get the first 5 rows:
my_db %>% tbl("City") %>% head(5)

上一篇: 使用dplyr窗口函数来计算百分位数

下一篇: 如何制作一个可重复的数据库连接示例?