Java class file from PL/SQL procedure

I have a following PL/SQL procedure:

  SELECT Dog_name INTO Name
  FROM Dog_family
  WHERE ID = Dog_ID;

I need to make a java class file that does the same. I've been trying like this:

import java.sql.*;

public class Procedure {

  public static void getDogInfo (int Dog_ID, String Dog_name)
    throws SQLException
    { String sql =
      "SELECT Dog_name INTO Name FROM Dog_family WHERE ID = Dog_ID";
    try { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection:");
      PreparedStatement apstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
      apstmt.setInt(1, Dog_ID);
      apstmt.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
      ResultSet rset = apstmt.executeQuery();
      apstmt.close(); //Connection close
    catch (SQLException e) {System.err.println(e.getMessage());

What am I doing wrong? Can someone help me get this working? Thanks

Have alook at this link showing you how to correctly use PreparedStatements.

You will find that the parameter should be ? not Dog_ID


SELECT Name FROM Dog_family WHERE ID = ?

It will also show you how to iterate through your resultSet

Well, you do not tell us what the problem is, but I see several issue right away:

  • Your select statement should not have an INTO clause. That is a PL/SQL construct. You need to return the result of the query back as a result set.

  • Your input parameter, Dog_ID will not be used, because you have not named the parameter correctly in the SQL statement.

  • Java string parameters cannot be updated within the method, which I am assuming that is what you are attempting. You either need to return a string value from the method, or use a StringBuilder reference, or some other container to pass in. See this link There is no "out" parameter to register. Read up on result sets here
  • So, change your SQL statement to something like this(since you are using a positional parameter as opposed to a named parameter):

    "SELECT Dog_name FROM Dog_family WHERE ID = ?"

    You should read about JDBC (and Java in general too).

    The query should be :

    SELECT Name 
    FROM Dog_family 
    WHERE ID = ?

    (assuming Name is the column name you are selecting from the table - it wasn't clear whether Name or Dog_name was the column name).

    Then after you execute the query and get a result set :

    String name = null;
    if ( {
      name = rset.getInt (1);
    return name;

    Finally, your function should return a String. You can't pass the String as a parameter and update its value. String is immutable in Java.

    One more thing - the line apstmt.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); is not needed. registerOutParameter is only used with CallableStatement , which is a statement you use to execute a stored procedure.


    上一篇: 使用数组数组作为指向Java中可扩展的类列表的指针

    下一篇: 来自PL / SQL过程的Java类文件