Javascript Date string constructing wrong date

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  • Why does Date.parse give incorrect results? 10 answers

  • When you pass dates as a string, the implementation is browser specific. Most browsers interpret the dashes to mean that the time is in UTC. If you have a negative offset from UTC (which you do), it will appear on the previous local day.

    If you want local dates, then try using slashes instead, like this:

    var date = new Date('2006/05/17');

    Of course, if you don't have to parse from a string, you can pass individual numeric parameters instead, just be aware that months are zero-based when passed numerically.

    var date = new Date(2006,4,17);

    However, if you have strings, and you want consistency in how those strings are parsed into dates, then use moment.js.

    var m = moment('2006-05-17','YYYY-MM-DD');
    m.format(); // or any of the other output functions


    What actually happens is that the parser is interpreting your dashes as the START of an ISO-8601 string in the format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ", which is in UTC time by default (hence the trailing 'Z').

    You can produce such dates by using the "toISOString()" date function as well.

    In Chrome (doesn't work in IE 10-) if you add " 00:00" or " 00:00:00" to your date (no 'T'), then it wouldn't be UTC anymore, regardless of the dashes. ;)


    上一篇: DD HH:MM:SS T

    下一篇: Javascript日期字符串构造错误的日期