What does !== comparison operator in PHP mean?

I saw

if($output !== false){

It's an exclamation mark with two equals signs.

It almost works like not equal. Does it has any extra significance?

They are the strict equality operators ( ===, !==) , the two operands must have the same type and value in order the result to be true.

For example:

var_dump(0 == "0"); //  true
var_dump("1" == "01"); //  true
var_dump("1" == true); //  true

var_dump(0 === "0"); //  false
var_dump("1" === "01"); //  false
var_dump("1" === true); //  false

More information:

  • PHP Comparison Operators

  • PHP's === Operator enables you to compare or test variables for both equality and type.

    So !== is (not ===)

    !== checks the type of the variable as well as the value. So for example,

    $a = 1;
    $b = '1';
    if ($a != $b) echo 'hello';
    if ($a !== $b) echo 'world';

    will output just 'world', as $a is an integer and $b is a string.

    You should check out the manual page on PHP operators, it's got some good explanations.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/1800.html

    上一篇: 在PHP中!==和!=有区别吗?

    下一篇: PHP中的!==比较运算符是什么意思?