what does it mean?

I just saw the use of a backslash in a reference to a PHP object and was curious about it (I have never seen this before). What does it mean?

$mail = new SendGridMail();

If you're curious, here's SendGrid's documentation.

It's because they're using PHP namespaces. Namespaces are new as of PHP 5.3.

It's PHP's namespace operator: http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.php.

Don't ask why it's a backslash. It's (imho) the stupidest possible choice they could have made, basing their decisions on a highly slanted/bigoted scoring system that made sense only to the devs.

This is syntax for namespaces. You can read more about namespaces at PHP documentation. They they require at least PHP 5.3.

For example:

namespace SendGrid;
function Mail() {
    // You can access this function by using SendGridMail() externally
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/1758.html

上一篇: PHP(5.3+)中的\(反斜杠)是做什么的?

下一篇: 这是什么意思?