What's the difference between :: (double colon) and

There are two distinct ways to access methods in PHP, but what's the difference?

$response->setParameter('foo', 'bar');


sfConfig::set('foo', 'bar');

I'm assuming -> (dash with greater than sign or chevron) is used for functions for variables, and :: (double colons) is used for functions for classes. Correct?

Is the => assignment operator only used to assign data within an array? Is this in contrast to the = assignment operator which is used to instantiate or modify a variable?

When the left part is an object instance, you use -> . Otherwise, you use :: .

This means that -> is mostly used to access instance members (though it can also be used to access static members, such usage is discouraged), while :: is usually used to access static members (though in a few special cases, it's used to access instance members).

In general, :: is used for scope resolution, and it may have either a class name, parent , self , or (in PHP 5.3) static to its left. parent refers to the scope of the superclass of the class where it's used; self refers to the scope of the class where it's used; static refers to the "called scope" (see late static bindings).

The rule is that a call with :: is an instance call if and only if:

  • the target method is not declared as static and
  • there is a compatible object context at the time of the call, meaning these must be true:
  • the call is made from a context where $this exists and
  • the class of $this is either the class of the method being called or a subclass of it.
  • Example:

    class A {
        public function func_instance() {
            echo "in ", __METHOD__, "n";
        public function callDynamic() {
            echo "in ", __METHOD__, "n";
    class B extends A {
        public static $prop_static = 'B::$prop_static value';
        public $prop_instance = 'B::$prop_instance value';
        public function func_instance() {
            echo "in ", __METHOD__, "n";
            /* this is one exception where :: is required to access an
             * instance member.
             * The super implementation of func_instance is being
             * accessed here */
            A::func_instance(); //same as the statement above
        public static function func_static() {
            echo "in ", __METHOD__, "n";
        public function __call($name, $arguments) {
            echo "in dynamic $name (__call)", "n";
        public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) {
            echo "in dynamic $name (__callStatic)", "n";
    echo 'B::$prop_static: ', B::$prop_static, "n";
    echo 'B::func_static(): ', B::func_static(), "n";
    $a = new A;
    $b = new B;
    echo '$b->prop_instance: ', $b->prop_instance, "n";
    //not recommended (static method called as instance method):
    echo '$b->func_static(): ', $b->func_static(), "n";
    echo '$b->func_instance():', "n", $b->func_instance(), "n";
    /* This is more tricky
     * in the first case, a static call is made because $this is an
     * instance of A, so B::dyn() is a method of an incompatible class
    echo '$a->dyn():', "n", $a->callDynamic(), "n";
    /* in this case, an instance call is made because $this is an
     * instance of B (despite the fact we are in a method of A), so
     * B::dyn() is a method of a compatible class (namely, it's the
     * same class as the object's)
    echo '$b->dyn():', "n", $b->callDynamic(), "n";


    B::$prop_static: B::$prop_static value
    B::func_static(): in B::func_static
    $b->prop_instance: B::$prop_instance value
    $b->func_static(): in B::func_static
    in B::func_instance
    in A::func_instance
    in A::func_instance
    in A::callDynamic
    in dynamic dyn (__callStatic)
    in A::callDynamic
    in dynamic dyn (__call)

    :: is used in static context, ie. when some method or property is declared as static:

    class Math {
        public static function sin($angle) {
            return ...;
    $result = Math::sin(123);

    Also, the :: operator (the Scope Resolution Operator, aka Paamayim Nekudotayim) is used in dynamic context when you invoke a method/property of a parent class:

    class Rectangle {
         protected $x, $y;
         public function __construct($x, $y) {
             $this->x = $x;
             $this->y = $y;
    class Square extends Rectangle {
        public function __construct($x) {
            parent::__construct($x, $x);

    -> is used in dynamic context, ie. when you deal with some instance of some class:

    class Hello {
        public function say() {
           echo 'hello!';
    $h = new Hello();

    By the way: I don't think that using Symfony is a good idea when you don't have any OOP experience.

    Actually by this symbol we can call a class method that is static and not be dependent on other initialization...

    class Test {
        public $name;
        public function __construct() {
            $this->name = 'Mrinmoy Ghoshal';
        public static function doWrite($name) {
            print 'Hello '.$name;
        public function write() {
            print $this->name;

    Here the doWrite() function is not dependent on any other method or variable, and it is a static method. That' why we can call this method by this operator without initializing the object of this class.

    Test::doWrite('Mrinmoy'); // Output: Hello Mrinmoy.

    But if you want to call the write method in this way, it will generate an error because it is dependent on initialization.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/1750.html

    上一篇: PHP中迟到的静态绑定究竟是什么?

    下一篇: ::(双冒号)和。之间的区别是什么?