What does ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) do for parameters?

在下面的方法定义中, ***param2做了什么?

def foo(param1, *param2):
def bar(param1, **param2):

The *args and **kwargs is a common idiom to allow arbitrary number of arguments to functions as described in the section more on defining functions in the Python documentation.

The *args will give you all function parameters as a tuple:

In [1]: def foo(*args):
   ...:     for a in args:
   ...:         print a

In [2]: foo(1)

In [4]: foo(1,2,3)

The **kwargs will give you all keyword arguments except for those corresponding to a formal parameter as a dictionary.

In [5]: def bar(**kwargs):
   ...:     for a in kwargs:
   ...:         print a, kwargs[a]

In [6]: bar(name='one', age=27)
age 27
name one

Both idioms can be mixed with normal arguments to allow a set of fixed and some variable arguments:

def foo(kind, *args, **kwargs):

Another usage of the *l idiom is to unpack argument lists when calling a function.

In [9]: def foo(bar, lee):
   ...:     print bar, lee

In [10]: l = [1,2]

In [11]: foo(*l)
1 2

In Python 3 it is possible to use *l on the left side of an assignment (Extended Iterable Unpacking), though it gives a list instead of a tuple in this context:

first, *rest = [1,2,3,4]
first, *l, last = [1,2,3,4]

Also Python 3 adds new semantic (refer PEP 3102):

def func(arg1, arg2, arg3, *, kwarg1, kwarg2):

Such function accepts only 3 positional arguments, and everything after * can only be passed as keyword arguments.

It's also worth noting that you can use * and ** when calling functions as well. This is a shortcut that allows you to pass multiple arguments to a function directly using either a list/tuple or a dictionary. For example, if you have the following function:

def foo(x,y,z):
    print("x=" + str(x))
    print("y=" + str(y))
    print("z=" + str(z))

You can do things like:

>>> mylist = [1,2,3]
>>> foo(*mylist)

>>> mydict = {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}
>>> foo(**mydict)

>>> mytuple = (1, 2, 3)
>>> foo(*mytuple)

Note: The keys in mydict have to be named exactly like the parameters of function foo . Otherwise it will throw a TypeError :

>>> mydict = {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3,'badnews':9}
>>> foo(**mydict)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: foo() got an unexpected keyword argument 'badnews'

The single * means that there can be any number of extra positional arguments. foo() can be invoked like foo(1,2,3,4,5) . In the body of foo() param2 is a sequence containing 2-5.

The double ** means there can be any number of extra named parameters. bar() can be invoked like bar(1, a=2, b=3) . In the body of bar() param2 is a dictionary containing {'a':2, 'b':3 }

With the following code:

def foo(param1, *param2):
    print param1
    print param2

def bar(param1, **param2):
    print param1
    print param2


the output is

(2, 3, 4, 5)
{'a': 2, 'b': 3}
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/164.html

上一篇: 在C#中使用的yield关键字是什么?

下一篇: **(双星/星号)和*(星号/星号)对参数做什么?