Browser Emulator API for .NET

I'm looking for a good browser emulator API for .NET. I've been looking at WatiN, but I really don't need (want!) the GUI, I just want the HTML/DOM-parsing, JavaScript runtime and emulation of state, cache, and everything else.

What I'm looking for would work something like this

using (var browser = Browser.Create(BrowserType.Firefox))
  // Download all page resources and executes JS
  var page = browser.Open("http://localhost:8080");

  // Lookup <a id="nextButton" href="#" /> and trigger click event

Have you ever come across anything like it? Thanks!

Why not use the real browser? Use the WebBrowser control.


上一篇: 自动屏幕旋转禁用Widget RemoteView onClick事件

下一篇: 用于.NET的浏览器模拟器API