How do I parse a string to a float or int in Python?

In Python, how can I parse a numeric string like "545.2222" to its corresponding float value, 542.2222 ? Or parse the string "31" to an integer, 31 ?

I just want to know how to parse a float string to a float , and (separately) an int string to an int .

>>> a = "545.2222"
>>> float(a)
>>> int(float(a))

def num(s):
        return int(s)
    except ValueError:
        return float(s)

Python method to check if a string is a float:

def isfloat(value):
    return True
    return False

A longer and more accurate name for this function could be: isConvertibleToFloat(value)

What is, and is not a float in Python may surprise you:

val                   isfloat(val) Note
--------------------  ----------   --------------------------------
""                    False        Blank string
"127"                 True         Passed string
True                  True         Pure sweet Truth
"True"                False        Vile contemptible lie
False                 True         So false it becomes true
"123.456"             True         Decimal
"      -127    "      True         Spaces trimmed
"tn12rn"          True         whitespace ignored
"NaN"                 True         Not a number
"NaNanananaBATMAN"    False        I am Batman
"-iNF"                True         Negative infinity
"123.E4"              True         Exponential notation
".1"                  True         mantissa only
"1,234"               False        Commas gtfo
u'x30'               True         Unicode is fine.
"NULL"                False        Null is not special
0x3fade               True         Hexidecimal
"6e7777777777777"     True         Shrunk to infinity
"1.797693e+308"       True         This is max value
"infinity"            True         Same as inf
"infinityandBEYOND"   False        Extra characters wreck it
"12.34.56"            False        Only one dot allowed
u'四'                  False        Japanese '4' is not a float.
"#56"                 False        Pound sign
"56%"                 False        Percent of what?
"0E0"                 True         Exponential, move dot 0 places
0**0                  True         0___0  Exponentiation
"-5e-5"               True         Raise to a negative number
"+1e1"                True         Plus is OK with exponent
"+1e1^5"              False        Fancy exponent not interpreted
"+1e1.3"              False        No decimals in exponent
"-+1"                 False        Make up your mind
"(1)"                 False        Parenthesis is bad

You think you know what numbers are? You are not so good as you think! Not big surprise.


上一篇: Spring 4.x / 3.x(Web MVC)REST API和JSON2 Post请求,如何正确使用它?

下一篇: 如何在Python中将字符串解析为float或int?