Haskell FFI: How do you wrap C++ collections?

I have a function that returns vector<MyClass> ; what's the best way to change this into something FFI-appropriate?

I'm thinking a type like :: [CIntPointer] might be a nice compromise, if possible to obtain.

You could define your own C functions to alloc, free, insert, remove, etc. These functions can wrap the C++ container you want to access. For example:

extern "C" {

Obj * obj_create()
  return new Obj();

void obj_destroy(Obj * schema)
  delete obj;
  obj = NULL;

then declare them in the FFI and wrap them any way you'd like.

data SomeObject

type Obj = Ptr SomeObject

foreign import ccall unsafe "obj_create"
    createObj :: IO Obj

foreign import ccall unsafe "obj_destroy"
    destroyObj_ :: Obj -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "&obj_destroy"
    destroyObj :: FunPtr (Obj -> IO ())

Some Gotchas:

  • Make sure you compile the C files with a c++ compiler(g++ instead of gcc). this will ensure that the stdc++ libs get picked up correctly.
  • Pass the library locations (-L) and libs(-lboost*) to link in when compiling the program/lib on the haskell side
  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/10504.html

    上一篇: 点击时更改小部件可见性

    下一篇: Haskell FFI:你如何包装C ++集合?