Combining RSpec filters?

I've been looking through the docs, but descriptions of how multiple filters work seem to be a bit lacking. Does anyone have a good explanation or source of a good explanation for the behaviour of multiple filters? Does the order they are listed matter? Here's an example of code that might have behaviour other than what one could expect...

Rspec.configure do |c|
  this_version = get_version_number.to_sym
  c.filter_run :focus=> true
  c.filter_run_excluding :limit_to=>true, this_version => false
  c.filter_run :new_stuff=>true

it "is focused, but not new", :focus
it "is is new", :new_stuff
it "is new and focused", :new_stuff, :focus
it "is focused and new, but limited to a different version", :focus, :limit_to, :correct_version

Experimenting with this, it also seems like multiple arguments on the "filter_run_excluding" line simple act is if you wrote the line multiple times. Is there a way to get it to actually combine the filter checks so that it excludes (or runs, I suppose) only examples that have both the tags listed?

Run multiple filters from the command line with this:

rspec spec --tag my_tag --tag my_second_tag -- tag ~my_third_tag

The ~ will exclude any spec with those tags, so its often useful to do something like

rspec spec --tag ~long_runing

上一篇: 为什么要执行表格扫描?

下一篇: 结合RSpec过滤器?