django filter icontains match whole words only

I am using the filter icontains to search for words but I only want it to match whole words. eg if I searched for liver I wouldn't want it returning delivery.

my query looks like this


I have seen the filter __search but this does not bring back results with 3 characters or less and the site I am building contains a lot of these which could be searched for, eg 'bbc'

I do not have access to the db but if anyone knows how I can disable this in the code then I would be happy to switch to using this as an alternative.

Regexp are usually enough :

Please note that the regular expression syntax is that of the database backend in use .

In python (sqlite) the regexp would be :


In Mysql you have :

mysql> SELECT 'a word a' REGEXP '[[:<:]]word[[:>:]]';   -> 1
mysql> SELECT 'a xword a' REGEXP '[[:<:]]word[[:>:]]';  -> 0

In case you have angularjs and REST service implemented with tastypie or DRF, you can filter by whole words as $http.get(uri, {'params': {'display_name__iregex': '[[:<:]]word[[:>:]]'})

of course, display_name should be enabled to filtering in Tastypie resource's Meta class as filtering = {'display_name': ALL,}

It sounds like you want a Case-insensitive exact match.



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