Aspect Oriented Programing (AOP) solutions for C# (.Net) and their features

I would like to ask for 3 information here: There is no integrated solution for Aspect Oriented Programing (AOP) in C# (.Net) from Microsoft is that correct ? Is there any such solution under development or planned ? What solutions are there that allow Aspect Oriented Programing (AOP) to be used in C# (.Net) ? What are they advantages/disadvantages ? I haven't find any comprihensive li


我想在这里要求3个信息: Microsoft在C#(.Net)中没有面向方面编程(AOP)的集成解决方案是否正确? 有没有这样的解决方案正在开发或计划中? 有哪些解决方案允许在C#(.Net)中使用面向方面编程(AOP)? 他们有什么优点/缺点 ? 我还没有找到任何包含所有可替换选项和一些信息的综合列表,以供我决定使用哪一个。 这个列表最接近。 考虑到以下标准, (在您看来)什么是(您认为) 最 适合C#(.Net)的 AOP解决

Aspect Oriented Programming in C#

Are there any good resources to wrap my head around Aspect Oriented Programming? PS: I need to understand AO programming, not the libraries or frameworks available for .NET or C# :) Just to get your head around it: It is the ability to hook events such as: creation of objects, setting of properties, etc, and attach general functions to them, that will be populated with relevant context. Bec


有没有什么好的资源可以围绕面向方面的编程打包? PS:我需要了解AO编程,而不是可用于.NET或C#的库或框架:) 只是为了解决它:这是钩住事件的能力,例如创建对象,设置属性等,并附加一般功能给它们,这些功能将被填充相关的上下文。 因为C#没有内置的工具,所以你需要一个像PostSharp这样的框架来完成'字节码编织'(也就是直接写代码来实际调用,直接调用你的类)来模拟它。 面向方面编程意味着拥有一个meta

Maths question about point rotation in .Net

I have a partial answer. Starting with: newHeight = Height * cos(radians) + Width * sin(radians) newWidth = Height * sin(radians) + Width * cos(radians) I can reverse the equations to get: temp = sqr(cos(radians)) - sqr(sin(radians)) Height = newHeight * cos(radians) - newWidth * sin(radians) / temp Width = newWidth * cos(radians) - newHeight * sin(radians) / temp The above equatio


我有一个部分答案。 从...开始: newHeight = Height * cos(弧度)+ Width * sin(弧度) newWidth = Height * sin(弧度)+ Width * cos(弧度) 我可以通过反转方程来得到: temp = sqr(cos(弧度)) - sqr(sin(弧度)) Height = newHeight * cos(弧度) - newWidth * sin(弧度)/ temp 宽度= newWidth * cos(弧度) - newHeight * sin(弧度)/ temp 以上等式仅适用于0-28,62-90,180-208和242-270

OBD II App in Visual Studio(C#) with Xamarin

I am working on an Android App that receives Data from a OBD II Bluetooth Adapter. Setting up the Connection between App and Adapter works but when I send commands to the Adapter I wont get the right results. It either returns: +CONNECTING< or the command I just sent to the Adapter. The App is coded in Visual Studio using Xamarin to develop for Android. The code shows just a simplifie

使用Xamarin的Visual Studio(C#)中的OBD II应用程序

我正在开发一款从OBD II蓝牙适配器接收数据的Android应用程序。 设置应用程序和适配器之间的连接工作,但是当我发送命令到适配器我不会得到正确的结果。 它要么返回: +连接< 或我刚刚发送给适配器的命令。 该应用程序在Visual Studio中使用Xamarin进行编码以针对Android进行开发。 该代码仅显示应用程序的简化版本,只是在01-1f之间发布支持的PID的代码。 BluetoothAdapter myAdapter; BluetoothSocket socket = nu

How can I read/write data to and from an OBD

I am currently working on a Windows Phone 8 application, which will (hopefully) have the capabilities to connect to a vehicle via bluetooth using a bluetooth OBD-II adapter. I'm reasonably new to programming for WP8, although I'm attempting to not try and to ask for help but I've sort of hit a part where I just can't think nor understand where to go or what to do. Additionally,


我目前正在开发Windows Phone 8应用程序,希望能够通过蓝牙使用蓝牙OBD-II适配器连接车辆。 我对WP8的编程相当新,虽然我试图不尝试寻求帮助,但我已经打到了一个我无法想象或不知道要去哪里或做什么的地方。 此外,如果有人想知道我正在测试的设备以连接到汽车,那么这里就是这个人 编辑::到目前为止,我已经设置我的代码来检测,如果蓝牙适配器已启用,我目前正在寻找(或试图了解)如何显示给用户的配对设备,以便他们可

Attempting to implement OWIN win authentication

I am new to OWIN/C# so I apologize for my ignorance. I have an existing webapp currently using password grant_type via OWIN. I have implemented winAuthentication and written a webApi controller to return details via HttpContext to my webApp for testing purposes/learning... I am attempting to apply the same concept to OWIN via HttpListener in the answer here WebApi with OWIN SelfHost and Windo

试图实现OWIN win认证

我是OWIN / C#的新手,所以我为我的无知道歉。 我有一个现有的webapp目前使用密码grant_type通过OWIN。 我已经实现了winAuthentication,并写了一个webApi控制器,通过HttpContext返回到我的webApp的测试目的/学习...我尝试应用相同的概念通​​过HttpListener在OWA SelfHost和Windows身份验证WebApi的答案 我收到以下错误,并想知道是否有人可能指出我正确的方向来了解我所缺少的。 给定的密​​钥不在字典中。 说明:执

Setting the verbosity level of OWIN self

This question deals with how to disable tracing for good. I would not like to disable it, but just steer its verbosity level. Of course, by the look of the given answers for the question mention before, it seems I could setup OWIN to use a custonm ITraceOutputFactory and then do it there. But my hope is that there is a easy built-in way to do so. Maybe through adjusting some config file? O


这个问题涉及如何禁用追踪。 我不想禁用它,但只是引导其冗长级别。 当然,从前面提到的问题给出的答案来看,似乎我可以将OWIN设置为使用custonm ITraceOutputFactory ,然后在那里执行。 但我的希望是,有一种简单的内置方式可以做到这一点。 也许通过调整一些配置文件? 还是有程序化的方式? 一个相关的方法是: private static void SetTraceLevel(HttpConfiguration config, TraceLevel level) {

TraceListener in OWIN Self Hosting

I am using Microsoft.Owin.Hosting to host the following, very simple web app. Here is the call to start it: WebApp.Start<PushServerStartup>("http://localhost:8080/events"); Here is the startup class I am using: public class PushServerStartup { public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { app.MapHubs(); } } I am running this inside a console application that does a

TraceListener在OWIN Self Hosting中

我使用Microsoft.Owin.Hosting来托管以下非常简单的Web应用程序。 下面是启动它的电话: WebApp.Start<PushServerStartup>("http://localhost:8080/events"); 这是我正在使用的启动类: public class PushServerStartup { public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { app.MapHubs(); } } 我在一个控制台应用程序中运行这个程序,它执行许多其他事情,包括路由跟踪写入某些文件等。但突然间(

entity type ApplicationUser is not part of the model for the current context

I have an web application in with Entity Framework 6 and database first. I'm having issue when it come for the user to connect.Here's my code: Web.config <connectionStrings> <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="data source=MyServerMyDataBase;initial catalog=Cliniciel_WebRV_Master;User Id=XXX;Password=XXXX" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> <


我在Asp.net中使用Entity Framework 6和数据库首先有一个Web应用程序。 当用户连接时,我遇到了问题。这里是我的代码: Web.config文件 <connectionStrings> <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="data source=MyServerMyDataBase;initial catalog=Cliniciel_WebRV_Master;User Id=XXX;Password=XXXX" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> <add name="Cliniciel_WebRV_MasterEntities"

How does this division approximation algorithm work?

I'm working on a game with a software renderer to get the most accurate PS1 look. As I was doing research on how the PS1 graphics/rendering system worked, reason for the wobbly vertices etc, I came across some documentation regarding the way they did their divide. Here is the link to it: (see the " GTE Division Inaccuracy" section)


我正在使用软件渲染器进行游戏,以获得最准确的PS1外观。 当我正在研究PS1图形/渲染系统的工作原理,摇摆顶点的原因等时,我遇到了一些关于他们分工的文档。 这里是它的链接:请参阅“GTE分区不准确性”部分) 相关代码: if (H < SZ3*2) then ;check if overflow z = count_leading_zeroes(SZ3) ;z=0..0Fh (for 16bit