Difference between in signed and unsigned char in c

What is the difference between signed and unsigned char in C ? When I tried to run the following code without unsigned it entered an infinite loop as the range of signed char is up to 127 (Why is it signed by default ?). But when I added unsigned (whose range is up to 255) it works fine. What's the reason ? #include <stdio.h> int main() { unsigned char x; x = 0; while (

在c中的signed和unsigned char之间的区别

C中signed和unsigned char什么区别? 当我试图运行下面的代码而没有unsigned它时,它进入了一个无限循环,因为signed char的范围最大为127 (为什么它默认签名?)。 但是,当我添加unsigned (其范围高达255),它工作正常。 什么原因 ? #include <stdio.h> int main() { unsigned char x; x = 0; while (x <= 225) { printf("%c=%dn", x, x); x = x + 1; } return 0; }

how to Resolve circular reference thorough IoC?

Possible Duplicate: Can dependency injection prevent a circular dependency? I am developing a framework which will have various services like dal, integration with sharepoint, exception handling etc. I need to do it in IoC and I am new to this approach.[there seems to be circular reference with how i am doing] So in my opinion we will have three types of projects an interface: preferabl


可能重复: 依赖注入可以防止循环依赖吗? 我正在开发一个框架,它将有各种服务,如dal,与sharepoint的集成,异常处理等。 我需要在IoC中做到这一点,我对这种方法很陌生[似乎有循环参考我如何做] 所以在我看来,我们将有三种类型的项目 一个界面:最好是一个单独的项目 实现接口的具体类项目(像异常,dal,集成等服务项目) bootstrapper conifiguration(configurator):最好是一个单独的项目,如果它驻留在

HTTPS Proxy server in C#

I´m working on HTTPS proxy server.It should be a console application. I would like to find a manual or example for it.I found lot of pieces or non working samples. I try example from MSND for SSLStream but unsuccessfully. Does anyone have some experiences or working example ? Assuming you're after a normal HTTPS proxy server (not a MITM proxy server), you don't need any SSL/TLS code


我正在开发HTTPS代理服务器。它应该是一个控制台应用程序。 我想找一本手册或范例。我发现很多件或非工作样品。 我尝试从MSND的SSLStream示例,但未成功。 有没有人有一些经验或工作的例子? 假设您使用的是正常的HTTPS代理服务器(而不是MITM代理服务器),则根本不需要任何SSL / TLS代码。 它所需要的只是能够解释HTTP CONNECT方法,并将流量按原样从CONNECT请求中使用的主机和端口(例如, CONNECT host.example.org:4

What is the difference between task and thread?

In C# 4.0, we have Task in the System.Threading.Tasks namespace. What is the true difference between Thread and Task . I did some sample program(help taken from MSDN) for my own sake of learning with Parallel.Invoke Parallel.For Parallel.ForEach but have many doubts as the idea is not so clear. I have initially searched in Stackoverflow for a similar type of question but may be with this


在C#4.0中,我们有System.Threading.Tasks命名空间中的Task 。 Thread和Task之间的真正区别是什么? 我为了自己的学习做了一些示例程序(帮助从MSDN中获得) Parallel.Invoke Parallel.For Parallel.ForEach 但有很多疑问,因为这个想法不太清楚。 我最初在Stackoverflow中搜索了一个类似的问题,但可能与这个问题标题无法得到相同的结果。 如果有人知道此前发布的相同类型的问题,请给出链接的参考。 一项任务是你

Accessing class member from static method

I know there are a lot of threads talking about this but so far I haven't found one that helps my situation directly. I have members of the class that I need to access from both static and non-static methods. But if the members are non-static, I can't seem to get to them from the static methods. public class SomeCoolClass { public string Summary = "I'm telling you"; public voi


我知道有很多线索在谈论这个问题,但到目前为止我还没有找到一个直接帮助我的情况。 我有我需要从静态和非静态方法访问的类的成员。 但是,如果成员是非静态的,我似乎无法从静态方法中获得它们。 public class SomeCoolClass { public string Summary = "I'm telling you"; public void DoSomeMethod() { string myInterval = Summary + " this is what happened!"; } public static void DoSo

Convert ValueTuple to IEnumerable

Is there a saner way to do the following: public static class ValueTupleAdditions { public static IEnumerable<object> ToEnumerable<A, B>(this ValueTuple<A, B> tuple) { yield return tuple.Item1; yield return tuple.Item2; } public static IEnumerable<object> ToEnumerable<A, B, C>(this ValueTuple<A, B, C> tuple) { yield return tuple.Item1; yi


有没有更好的方法来做到以下几点: public static class ValueTupleAdditions { public static IEnumerable<object> ToEnumerable<A, B>(this ValueTuple<A, B> tuple) { yield return tuple.Item1; yield return tuple.Item2; } public static IEnumerable<object> ToEnumerable<A, B, C>(this ValueTuple<A, B, C> tuple) { yield return tuple.Item1; yield retur

How to connect Hub if Hub is in different project SignalR?

I'm working with SignalR project, in which I want to use Hub in WebApi project as well as Web project. So I've created one class library project and implemented Hub over there. My project structure looks like: -ChatHub -Hub -Webapi -Website Here is my Hub: [HubName("chathub")] public class ChatHub : Hub { public override Task OnConnected() { return base.OnConnected()


我正在与SignalR项目合作,我想在WebApi项目以及Web项目中使用Hub。 所以我创建了一个类库项目并在那里实现了Hub。 我的项目结构如下所示: -ChatHub -Hub -Webapi -Website 这是我的Hub: [HubName("chathub")] public class ChatHub : Hub { public override Task OnConnected() { return base.OnConnected(); } public override Task OnReconnected() { return base.OnReconnected();

SignalR hub and Identity.Claims

I'm using SignalR for sending notifications from server (Asp.net MVC) to client, and in my OnConnected() method I've register users with login name (email): public override Task OnConnected() { string userName = Context.User.Identity.Name; string connectionId = Context.ConnectionId; Groups.Add(connectionId, userName); return base.OnConnected(); } Now I want to use accountId instead of n


我使用SignalR从服务器(Asp.net MVC)向客户端发送通知,在我的OnConnected()方法中,我使用登录名(email)注册用户: public override Task OnConnected() { string userName = Context.User.Identity.Name; string connectionId = Context.ConnectionId; Groups.Add(connectionId, userName); return base.OnConnected(); } 现在我想使用accountId而不是名称,并使用Identity.Claims来尝试。 在我的登录方法在控制器中

Calling SignalR hub methods from a different project

In the solution I have a SignalR Server hub that users connect to. In the other project of the Server I want to call the Client methods. However SignalR Hub is not static, and if I declare a new SignalR hub class then it will have different connections then the original hub. How can I reference the original SignalR hub in a different project? 使用可以调用Clients GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.

从另一个项目调用SignalR hub方法

在解决方案中,我有一个用户连接到的SignalR Server集线器。 在服务器的另一个项目中,我想调用客户端方法。 但是SignalR Hub不是静态的,如果我声明一个新的SignalR集线器类,那么它将与原始集线器有不同的连接。 我如何在不同的项目中引用原始SignalR集线器? 使用可以调用Clients GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<YourHubClass>() 。

Can I debug OnConnected method in SignalR Hub?

I have a Hub inside my asp.net project , and I overridden the OnConnected method, can I debug the code inside the OnConnected method? I put a breakpoint but it's not firing. public class ConsultasHub : Hub { public override Task OnConnected() { //breakpoint here //some code //[...] return base.OnConn

我可以在SignalR Hub中调试OnConnected方法吗?

我在我的asp.net项目中有一个Hub,并且我重写了OnConnected方法,我可以调试OnConnected方法中的代码吗? 我放了一个断点,但没有开火。 public class ConsultasHub : Hub { public override Task OnConnected() { //breakpoint here //some code //[...] return base.OnConnected(); } } } 这是一个棘手的问题。