Integration with Siscan (web service)

All ok, people? I need consume some methods of a webservice available at: I'm doing as follows (do not know if it's the right way): protected static void LiberarLaudo() { try { var oServicoSISCAN = new SiscanWSClient(); var oliberarLaudo = new liberarLau


一切都好,人们? 我需要使用一些web服务的方法: 我做的如下(不知道是否正确): protected static void LiberarLaudo() { try { var oServicoSISCAN = new SiscanWSClient(); var oliberarLaudo = new liberarLaudo(); oliberarLaudo.identificacao = new identific

CommunicationException while using the Atlassian .NET SDK

I'm using the Atlassian .NET SDK to extract data from Jira OnDemand. I need to get more than 100 issues for a particular project. My problem is that if I set the maxIssues property to higher than 67 , I get a CommunicationExceptions saying: "Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'getIssuesFromJqlSearch'." Any ideas how I can fix this? var jiraConn

使用Atlassian .NET SDK时的CommunicationException

我正在使用Atlassian .NET SDK从Jira OnDemand提取数据。 我需要针对特定​​项目获得超过100个问题。 我的问题是,如果我设置maxIssues属性高于67 ,我得到一个CommunicationExceptions说: “在反序列化操作'getIssuesFromJqlSearch'的回复消息中出错。” 任何想法如何解决这个问题? var jiraConn = new Jira(url, user, password); IEnumerable<Atlassian.Jira.Issue> jiraIssues = jiraConn.GetIssu

Get MSMQ Queues using WMI and C#

I found the basic answer to my question here: Enumerate all outgoing Queues in MSMQ, C#, however when I try to run the code posted in the answer it takes several seconds to several minutes before throwing an exception "Invalid Query". ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\"+Environment.MachineName+@"rootcimv2"); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawD


我在这里找到了我的问题的基本答案:枚举MSMQ,C#中的所有传出队列,但是当我尝试运行发布在答案中的代码时,需要几秒到几分钟才会抛出异常“无效查询”。 ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\"+Environment.MachineName+@"rootcimv2"); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_MSMQ_MSMQQueue"); using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope,

Set value of private field

Why is the following code not working: class Program { static void Main ( string[ ] args ) { SomeClass s = new SomeClass( ); s.GetType( ).GetField( "id" , System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic ) // sorry reasently updated to GetField from GetProperty... .SetValue( s , "new value" ); } } class SomeClass { object id; public object Id {


为什么下面的代码不工作: class Program { static void Main ( string[ ] args ) { SomeClass s = new SomeClass( ); s.GetType( ).GetField( "id" , System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic ) // sorry reasently updated to GetField from GetProperty... .SetValue( s , "new value" ); } } class SomeClass { object id; public object Id { get

How to solve System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException in WCF?

I'm developing a WebSite with average 50,000 visit(around 140,000 page views) in a day. I'm using WCF as my services with InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall Also, I'm using async methods to call WCF services, Recently I get the following exception messages on some pages and on some requests: Exception Type: System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException Exception Mess


我正在开发一个网站,平均每天有50,000次访问(约140,000页面浏览量)。 我使用WCF作为我的服务与InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall 另外,我使用异步方法来调用WCF服务, 最近,我在一些页面和一些请求中收到以下异常消息: Exception Type: System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException Exception Message: The HTTP service located at http://localhost:8090/SmartService.svc is unavailable. This

Wcf self hosted service with X.509 certificate connection error

I have a self hosted Wcf service running on Windows XP and am attempting to use Certificates for message security. This is being done via the service and client config files. Both service and client are running on the same machine and I have created certificates for both using makecert.exe. This worked fine when I had clientCredentialType="Windows" but when I modified the configurati


我在Windows XP上运行了自己托管的Wcf服务,并试图使用证书来保护邮件安全。 这是通过服务和客户端配置文件完成的。 服务和客户端都在同一台计算机上运行,​​并且我已经为使用makecert.exe的两者创建了证书。 这工作得很好,当我有clientCredentialType =“Windows”,但当我修改配置文件使用证书不再起作用。 问题是,当我尝试从客户端连接到服务时,我收到以下异常: 异常类型:System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityNego

WCF Authentication Error

I'm accessing a third party WCF service (I have no access to the service configuration) We're using SSL certificates for the authentication. I'm getting this error when trying to access to any of the provided methods The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM


我正在访问第三方WCF服务(我无权访问服务配置)我们正在使用SSL证书进行身份验证。 尝试访问任何提供的方法时遇到此错误 HTTP请求未经客户端身份验证方案“协商”授权。 从服务器收到的验证头是'Negotiate,NTLM 我查了很多谷歌链接,至今没有运气 - 不知道还有什么要检查的。 编辑 这是配置 <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <bindin

"ClickOnce does not support the request execution level 'requireAdministrator.'"

So I was writing an application that requires access to the registry. I had not touched any build settings, wanting to get the thing working before I added the other touches, such as a description or name. Out of the blue, I get an error that will not go away. ClickOnce does not support the request execution level 'requireAdministrator'. Now, I hadn't touched ClickOnce in this app


所以我写了一个需要访问注册表的应用程序。 我没有触及任何构建设置,希望在添加其他触摸(如描述或名称)之前让它工作。 突然间,我得到一个不会消失的错误。 ClickOnce does not support the request execution level 'requireAdministrator'. 现在,我没有在这个应用程序中触及ClickOnce。 我所做的所有事情都包括一个请求这些权限的清单文件。 我现在的问题是,这个错误不会消失,我不能编译我的程序。 有关

How to access WCF service base address from browser with ip address?

I am very new to WCF services. I have created a basic WCF service with basicHTTPBinding. Below the detailed code pieces: using MyWCF.DataModel; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MyWCF { public class Service1 : IService1 { public List<Employee> GetEmployee() { return new List<Employee> { new


我对WCF服务非常陌生。 我用basicHTTPBinding创建了一个基本的WCF服务。 以下详细的代码片段: using MyWCF.DataModel; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MyWCF { public class Service1 : IService1 { public List<Employee> GetEmployee() { return new List<Employee> { new Employee{ FirstName = "Md", Las

How to add Workflow Control Endpoint?

I've created a new WCF Workflow Service project in VS2012. Ultimately, what I need is the ability to terminate instance B of my workflow from instance A of my workflow. As best I can tell, the only way to achieve that is via the Workflow Control Endpoint, but I can't figure out how to add/access that to my project. From what I've seen (eg here), to add the control endpoint, you

如何添加Workflow Control端点?

我在VS2012中创建了一个新的WCF工作流服务项目。 最终,我需要的是能够从我的工作流程的实例A中终止工作流程的实例B. 尽我所能,实现这一点的唯一方法是通过工作流控制端点,但我无法弄清楚如何将其添加/访问到我的项目。 从我看到的(例如这里),添加控制端点,只需使用适当的属性值将<endpoint>元素添加到web.config中的<service>节点即可。 问题是..我的web.config中没有<service>元素。 “WCF工作