console.log and JSON.parse returning error

I am attempting to parse a JSON string and log it to the Chrome console. The string validates using JSONLint. Why then is Chrome is returning the error: "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token %"? <script>console.log(JSON.parse('{"header-top":{"name":"Header Top","id":"header-top","description":"","class":"","before_widget":"u003Cli id=u0022%1$su0022 class=u0022widget %2$su0022


我试图解析JSON字符串并将其记录到Chrome控制台。 该字符串使用JSONLint进行验证。 那为什么Chrome会返回错误:“Uncaught SyntaxError:Unexpected token%”? <script>console.log(JSON.parse('{"header-top":{"name":"Header Top","id":"header-top","description":"","class":"","before_widget":"u003Cli id=u0022%1$su0022 class=u0022widget %2$su0022u003E","after_widget":"u003C/liu003En","before_title":"u00

$.parseJSON giving "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token"

I'm parsing a json string with JQuery parseJSON var jsontest = '[{"nombre":"Campau00f1a de prueba","parcelas":"10","stampCreacion":"2014-12-30 18:18:26","estado":"1","id":"1","active":"1","camposControl":[{"nombre":"Repeticiu00f3n","tipo":"2","id":"2","active":"1"},{"nombre":"Comentarios","tipo":"1","id":"3","active":"1"}]},{"nombre":"Campau00f1a2","parcelas":"10","stampCreacion":"2014-12-30

$ .parseJSON给出“Uncaught SyntaxError:意外的标记”

我使用JQuery parseJSON解析json字符串 var jsontest = '[{"nombre":"Campau00f1a de prueba","parcelas":"10","stampCreacion":"2014-12-30 18:18:26","estado":"1","id":"1","active":"1","camposControl":[{"nombre":"Repeticiu00f3n","tipo":"2","id":"2","active":"1"},{"nombre":"Comentarios","tipo":"1","id":"3","active":"1"}]},{"nombre":"Campau00f1a2","parcelas":"10","stampCreacion":"2014-12-30 20:07:36","est

Chrome Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ILLEGAL

Possible Duplicate: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL Receiving the subject error when Chrome tries to load the script file on the page. It says it's at the last line of the javascript file. I can't seem to find anything wrong with it. No errors in firefox, and the script works as expected. Just using form validation // JavaScript Document $(function() { $('#wm-form').submi


可能重复: SyntaxError:意外的标记ILLEGAL Chrome尝试加载页面上的脚本文件时收到主题错误。 它说它在JavaScript文件的最后一行。 我似乎无法找到任何问题。 在Firefox中没有错误,并且脚本按预期工作。 只需使用表单验证 // JavaScript Document $(function() { $('#wm-form').submit(function() { var errors = false; var errorMsg = ""; $('.required').each(function() { if(!validField($(t

JavaScript error (Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input)

I have some JavaScript code that works in FireFox but not in Chrome or IE. In the Chrome JS Console I get the follow error: "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input". The JavaScript code I am using is: <script> $(function() { $("#mewlyDiagnosed").hover(function() { $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '237px', 'top': "-75px"}); }, function() { $("#mewlyD


我有一些JavaScript代码可用于FireFox,但不适用于Chrome或IE。 在Chrome JS控制台中,我收到以下错误: “未捕获的SyntaxError:意外的输入结束”。 我使用的JavaScript代码是: <script> $(function() { $("#mewlyDiagnosed").hover(function() { $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '237px', 'top': "-75px"}); }, function() { $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '162px', 'top': "0px"})

How to retrieve POST query parameters?

Here is my simple form: <form id="loginformA" action="userlogin" method="post"> <div> <label for="email">Email: </label> <input type="text" id="email" name="email"></input> </div> <input type="submit" value="Submit"></input> </form> Here is my Express.js/Node.js code:'/userlogin', function(sReq, sRes)


这是我的简单形式: <form id="loginformA" action="userlogin" method="post"> <div> <label for="email">Email: </label> <input type="text" id="email" name="email"></input> </div> <input type="submit" value="Submit"></input> </form> 这是我的Express.js / Node.js代码:'/userlogin', function(sReq, sRes){

Passing multiple arguments through HTTP GET

I have an HTML file referencing a PHP script to perform various functions. One of the ways the HTML file calls the PHP script is through an HTTP GET. The GET request should pass three parameters and return a list of all saved events as a JSON-encoded response. So far, I have the following but I'm not sure how to pass the three arguments through the HTTP GET. Also, I'm not sure if I a

通过HTTP GET传递多个参数

我有一个HTML文件引用一个PHP脚本来执行各种功能。 HTML文件调用PHP脚本的方式之一是通过HTTP GET。 GET请求应该传递三个参数,并以JSON编码响应的形式返回所有已保存事件的列表。 到目前为止,我有以下,但我不知道如何通过HTTP GET传递三个参数。 另外,我不确定是否正确返回了JSON编码的响应: if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET'){ echo json_encode(events.json); } GET请求通过URL完成...所以如果你

Conversion of php multidimensional array to javascript array

This question already has an answer here: Returning JSON from a PHP Script 15 answers You shouldn't be print_r() your arrays as this it produces human readable output, nothing JS can deal with easily nor out of the box. Instead you should use ie JSON and pass your arrays in that form to JS: echo json_encode($my_array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 从PHP脚本返回JSON 15个答案 你不应该是print_r()你的数组,因为它会产生人类可读的输出,JS可以轻松地处理,也不会轻易处理。 相反,你应该使用ie JSON并将你的数组以JS的形式传递给它: echo json_encode($my_array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

What is the minimum valid JSON?

I've carefully read the JSON description but I'm not sure I know the answer to the simple question. What strings are the minimum possible valid JSON? "string" is the string valid JSON? 42 is the simple number valid JSON? true is the boolean value a valid JSON? {} is the empty object a valid JSON? [] is the empty array a valid JSON? At the time of wr


我仔细阅读了JSON描述,但我不确定我是否知道简单问题的答案。 什么字符串是最低可能的有效JSON? "string"是字符串有效的JSON? 42是简单的数字有效的JSON? true是布尔值是有效的JSON吗? {}是一个有效的JSON的空对象? []是空数组有效的JSON? 在撰写本文时,JSON仅在RFC4627中有描述。 它描述了(在“2”开头)一个JSON文本是一个序列化的对象或数组。 这意味着只有{}和[]是有效的

What does `void 0` mean?

Possible Duplicate: What does “javascript:void(0)” mean? Reading through the Backbone.js source code, I saw this: validObj[attr] = void 0; What is void 0 ? What is the purpose of using it here? What does void 0 mean? void [MDN] is a prefix keyword that takes one argument and always returns undefined . Examples void 0 void (0) void "hello" void (new Date()) //all will return undefine

'void 0'是什么意思?

可能重复: “javascript:void(0)”是什么意思? 通过Backbone.js源代码阅读,我看到了这一点: validObj[attr] = void 0; 什么是void 0 ? 这里使用它的目的是什么? void 0是什么意思? void [MDN]是一个前缀关键字,它接受一个参数并始终返回undefined 。 例子 void 0 void (0) void "hello" void (new Date()) //all will return undefined 那有什么意义呢? 这似乎很无用,不是吗? 如果它总是返回undef

JavaScript: what does "void 0" mean?

This question already has an answer here: What does `void 0` mean? [duplicate] 3 answers The void operator always evaluates as the undefined value. The undefined variable, which defaults to holding the undefined value, can be overwritten. The void operator evaluates the given expression and then returns undefined. The void operator is often used merely to obtain the undefined primitive


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 'void 0'是什么意思? [重复] 3个答案 void运算符总是评估为未定义的值。 undefined变量,默认保持未定义的值,可以被覆盖。 void运算符评估给定的表达式,然后返回undefined。 void运算符通常仅用于获取未定义的原始值,通常使用“void(0)”(相当于“void 0”)。 在这些情况下,可以使用全局变量undefined(假设它尚未分配给非默认值)。