attributes vs properties

This question already has an answer here: .prop() vs .attr() 17 answers Attributes are defined by HTML. Properties are defined by DOM. Some HTML attributes have 1:1 mapping onto properties. id is one example of such. Some do not (eg the value attribute specifies the initial value of an input, but the value property specifies the current value). Yes, attr is meant for html attributes a


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: .prop()vs .attr()17答案 属性由HTML定义。 属性由DOM定义。 一些HTML属性映射到属性上的比例为1:1。 id就是这样的一个例子。 有些不(例如, value属性指定输入的初始值,但value属性指定当前值)。 是的,attr是针对html属性的,因为它们是严格定义的。 道具属性。 所以举个例子,假设你有一个类“东西”的节点元素(原始元素而不是jQuery对象)。 elem.className是属性,但

When to use setAttribute vs .attribute= in JavaScript?

Has a best-practice around using setAttribute instead of the dot ( . ) attribute notation been developed? Eg: myObj.setAttribute("className", "nameOfClass"); myObj.setAttribute("id", "someID"); or myObj.className = "nameOfClass"; = "someID"; You should always use the direct .attribute form (but see the quirksmode link below) if you want programmatic access in JavaScript. It should

何时在JavaScript中使用setAttribute vs .attribute =?

有没有围绕使用setAttribute而不是点( . )属性表示法开发的最佳做法? 例如: myObj.setAttribute("className", "nameOfClass"); myObj.setAttribute("id", "someID"); 要么 myObj.className = "nameOfClass"; = "someID"; 如果你想在JavaScript中进行编程访问,你应该总是使用直接的.attribute形式(但请参阅下面的quirksmode链接)。 它应该正确处理不同类型的属性(认为“onload”)。 如果您希望按原样处

Is angular.js with ui

例如,如果内容动态加载并且具有像“”这样的哈希URL是SEO友好的,还是不会被Google和Bing索引? Since search engines do not run javascript, you need to make static html versions for your pages so they can be indexed by them, also you should have a sitemap. There is a library that helps acomplish this using phantomjs: This is further explained


例如,如果内容动态加载并且具有像“”这样的哈希URL是SEO友好的,还是不会被Google和Bing索引? 由于搜索引擎不运行JavaScript,因此您需要为页面制作静态html版本,以便它们可以被索引,同时您也应该有一个站点地图。 有一个图书馆可以帮助用phantomjs实现这个功能:这里将进一步解释:。 HTML 有一些付费服

Button onclick does not execute function

I have a problem with my fiddle: button onclick="myValami()" , doesn't seem to work.. This button should execute clearinterval inside function "myValami", but it does nothing. I went through spelling, checked it more than once. I scrolled through several questions, neither seems to fix my problem. I even tried copying the code from W3school


我的小提琴有问题: button onclick="myValami()" ,似乎不起作用。此按钮应该在函数“myValami”中执行clearinterval,但它什么也不做。 我拼写检查,不止一次检查。 我浏览了几个问题,似乎都不能解决我的问题。 我甚至试图从W3schools一步一步的复制代码,但仍然没有奏效。 我怀疑我错过了明显的

Jquery dropdown menu explanation

i'm very new to javascript/jquery and don't quite understand it yet. I'm trying to learn dropdown menus using jquery and i found this w3school tutorial, however, i can't seem to understand some parts of the code I mean i understand pretty much everything up to this window.onclick = function(event) {


我对javascript / jquery很陌生,现在还不太明白。 我试图使用jQuery学习下拉菜单,我发现这个w3school教程,不过,我似乎无法理解的代码的某些部分 我的意思是我明白了几乎所有的事情 window.onclick = function(event) { if (!'.dropbtn')) { var dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-cont

Sidebar navigation toggle with single button

I have implemented the following sidebar navigation into a simple admin. I've got it working and moved to the right side. I would like to have it appear and disappear using a single button rather than a separate close and open button. I tried modifying the JS with an onToggle function that if isOpen was null, it would open the panel and then set isOpen to true and then the next time it ran


我已经将下面的侧边栏导航实现为一个简单的管理员。 我有它的工作和移动到右侧。 我希望使用单个按钮而不是单独的关闭和打开按钮显示并消失。 我尝试使用onToggle函数修改JS,如果isOpen为null,它将打开面板,然后将isOpen设置为true,然后在下次运行时删除isOpen。 我对JS非常陌生,而且失败了,所以我想我会在这里问。 我怎样才能让这只小狗出现并随着一个按钮消失?

Reset Timeout of the same timer in a for loop in Javascript

I guess that this could be a duplicate because of the simple nature of the question, but I could not find any answer. I am setting a Timeout function in a foor loop if a certain condition is true. As I don't want to declare the Timeout within the loop I wrote a setTimeout function to set it outside. I want to use only one timer, which is reset, if it is already running, otherwise the time


我想这可能是重复的,因为这个问题很简单,但我找不到任何答案。 如果某个条件为真,我将在一个foor循环中设置超时函数。 由于我不想在循环中声明超时,所以我写了一个setTimeout函数来设置它。 我只想使用一个定时器,如果它已经在运行,它将被重置,否则应该在第一次设置定时器。 我的问题是,该函数设置了多个定时器,尽管我使用了clearTimeout()。 我的代码: var timeout_id; var things = [true, true, f

JavaScript function and UI updates

I have a following function which slides a relatively positioned element 1000px off of where it is now. for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { $('.my-element').css( 'left', parseInt($('.my-element').css('left'), 10) + 1 ); } This does not produces a sliding effect. Rather, by the end of the execution, the element moves abruptly 1000px to its right. Now, if I wrap the UI


我有一个以下功能,将相对定位的元素从现在的位置滑出1000px。 for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { $('.my-element').css( 'left', parseInt($('.my-element').css('left'), 10) + 1 ); } 这不会产生滑动效果。 相反,在执行结束时,元素突然向右移动1000px。 现在,如果我在下面的setTimeout中包装UI更新: for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { setTimeout(function () { $('.my-e

Why JavaScript declared variable is in the global object before initialization?

I've stumbled upon a JavaScript variable behavior I could not explain. According to JS docs on var keyword : The scope of a variable declared with var is the enclosing function or, for variables declared outside a function, the global scope (which is bound to the global object). Also it is known that global variables become properties of the global object - 'window' in the brows


我偶然发现了一个我无法解释的JavaScript变量行为。 根据关于var关键字的JS文档: 用var声明的变量的作用域是封闭函数,或者对于在函数外声明的变量,全局作用域(绑定到全局对象)。 此外,众所周知,全局变量成为全局对象的属性 - 浏览器环境中的'window'和node.js中的'global'。这意味着如果一个变量在函数内部用'var'关键字声明,它就变成了局部变量不进入全球对象。 这个例子证明了它: (f

JavaScript split and add a string

how to insert a string inside the url address after split ? I have a simple code like this, but I just don't understand how split and join are work I have tried "append" function but I can't get it right I test and write it in <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var str="/


如何在拆分后在url地址中插入一个字符串? 我有这样一个简单的代码,但我只是不明白如何拆分和联接工作我已经尝试过“追加”功能,但我不能正确的测试和写在http://www.w3schools。 COM / jsref / tryit.asp?文件名= tryjsref_split <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var str="/image/picture.jpg"; var test = str.split("/"); for(var i = 0; i < test.leng