What exactly does

return (empty($neededRole) || strcasecmp($role, 'admin') == 0 || strcasecmp($role, $neededRole) == 0); What exactly does the || mean in this statement? Can someone put this in english for me. I promise I've googled this but I guess I don't know what to google for because I can't find anything. thanks:) It is the OR logicial operator. http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.ope


return (empty($neededRole) || strcasecmp($role, 'admin') == 0 || strcasecmp($role, $neededRole) == 0); ||究竟是什么? 在这个声明中意思? 有人可以把这个英文给我。 我保证我已经搜索了这个,但我想我不知道该怎么去google,因为我找不到任何东西。 谢谢:) 它是OR逻辑运算符。 http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.logical.php 使用Google搜索符号总是很难。 别担心: || 意味着or在声明中

' In A Function Argument Do?

Take for instance the following code: phpinfo(INFO_MODULES | INFO_ENVIRONMENT | INFO_VARIABLES); A single argument is being used, but I am providing a list of options separated by a single pipe symbol. What exactly is happening with the argument value in the function? Can I use the same thing in my own functions? Is so how, and are there benefits to this over say passing an array instead?


以下面的代码为例: phpinfo(INFO_MODULES | INFO_ENVIRONMENT | INFO_VARIABLES); 正在使用单个参数,但我提供了由单个管道符号分隔的选项列表。 函数中的参数值究竟发生了什么? 我可以在自己的功能中使用相同的东西吗? 那么如何传递一个数组而不是传递数组呢? 先谢谢你。 按位运算符 按位运算符修改相关值的位。 按位OR基本上将左和右参数的每一位进行OR运算。 例如: 5 | 2 将转换为位/二进制为: 101 |

What is the difference between the

| and || - what is the difference between these two operators in PHP? | is a bitwise or, || is a boolean or. Meaning | is binary operator, it will binary OR the bits of both the lefthand and righthand values. || is a boolean operator, it will short circuit when it encounters 'true' (any non-zero value, this includes non-empty arrays). Examples print_r(1 | 2) // 3 print_r(1 |


| 和|| - PHP中这两个运算符有什么区别? | 是一个按位或, || 是一个布尔值或。 含义 | 是二元运算符,它将二进制或左右值的位进行二进制化。 || 是一个布尔运算符,它在遇到'真'时会短路(任何非零值,这包括非空数组)。 例子 print_r(1 | 2) // 3 print_r(1 || 2) // 1 当与功能一起使用时: function numberOf($val) { echo "$val, "; return $val; } echo numberOf(1) | numberOf(2);

PHP's <> operator

This question already has an answer here: What is the difference between <> and != [duplicate] 7 answers As NikiC notes, <> and != are the same and have the same precedence. My earlier answer was based on what appears to be a bug in the documentation which has now been corrected. That would be correct. It's pretty universal between languages. I usually use that method in


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: <>和!= [重复] 7个答案有什么区别? 正如NikiC所指出的那样,<>和!=是相同的并且具有相同的优先级。 我之前的回答是基于现在已经纠正的文档中的错误。 这是对的。 语言之间非常普遍。 我通常在我的SQL Server查询/存储过程中使用该方法。 PHP:比较运算符 是的,它和!=相同(参见手册)。

PHP operator <>

This question already has an answer here: Reference — What does this symbol mean in PHP? 18 answers What is the difference between <> and != [duplicate] 7 answers Same as !=, "Not equal" false <> true // operator will evaluate expression as true false != true // operator will evaluate expression as true Here is some reference: PHP Comparison Operators It's ano


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 参考 - 这个符号在PHP中的含义是什么? 18个答案 <>和!= [重复] 7个答案有什么区别? 与!=相同,“不相等” false <> true // operator will evaluate expression as true false != true // operator will evaluate expression as true 这里有一些参考:PHP比较运算符 这是说“不等于”( !=运算符)的另一种方式。 我认为它是“小于或大于”的操作符,其实仅仅意味着“不等于”

What is the difference between <> and !=

This question already has an answer here: Difference between “not equal” operators <> and != in PHP 6 answers Forgetting documentation for a minute, let's check out the source code. Let's start with the scanner (lexer): <ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"!="|"<>" { return T_IS_NOT_EQUAL; } So they parse to the same token. Let's check out the parser: expr T_IS_NOT_EQUAL e


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: PHP 6中的“不等于”运算符<>和!=的区别 暂时忘记文档,让我们来看看源代码。 让我们从扫描仪(词法分析器)开始: <ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"!="|"<>" { return T_IS_NOT_EQUAL; } 所以他们解析同样的道理。 让我们看看解析器: expr T_IS_NOT_EQUAL expr { zend_do_binary_op(ZEND_IS_NOT_EQUAL, &$$, &$1, &$3 TSRMLS_CC); } 所以我们知道被触发的操作码是

comparing, !== versus !=

I know that !== is used to compare variable types too, while != only compares values. But I see that many people use !== when they compare values, for example: $stuff = 'foo'; if($stuff !== 'foo') // do... Is there any reason they do this? Is !== faster than != or what? If you do know in advance that both variables are of the same type, then it won't make any difference. I think the s


我知道!==用于比较变量类型,而!=仅用于比较值。 但是我发现很多人在比较值时使用!== ,例如: $stuff = 'foo'; if($stuff !== 'foo') // do... 他们有这样的理由吗? 是!==比!=还是什么? 如果你事先知道这两个变量是同一类型的,那么它就不会有任何区别。 我认为速度差异可以忽略不计,速度参数可以(也应该)完全忽略,你应该专注于你的应用,而不是专注于过早(和不必要的)优化。 但是,如果您确实需要和参数应该

Is there a difference between !== and != in PHP?

在PHP中!==和!=有区别吗? The != operator compares value, while the !== operator compares type as well. That means this: var_dump(5!="5"); // bool(false) var_dump(5!=="5"); // bool(true), because "5" and 5 are of different types != is the inverse of the == operator, which checks equality across types !== is the inverse of the === operator, which checks equality only for things of the same ty


在PHP中!==和!=有区别吗? !=运算符比较值,而!==运算符也比较类型。 这意味着这一点: var_dump(5!="5"); // bool(false) var_dump(5!=="5"); // bool(true), because "5" and 5 are of different types !=是==运算符的逆函数,它检查跨类型的相等性 !==是===运算符的反函数,它仅针对相同类型的事物检查相等性。 !=表示“不相等”,而!==表示“不相同”。 例如: '1' != 1 # evaluates to false, because '1' equals 1

What does !== comparison operator in PHP mean?

I saw if($output !== false){ } It's an exclamation mark with two equals signs. It almost works like not equal. Does it has any extra significance? They are the strict equality operators ( ===, !==) , the two operands must have the same type and value in order the result to be true. For example: var_dump(0 == "0"); // true var_dump("1" == "01"); // true var_dump("1" == true); // t


我看见 if($output !== false){ } 这是一个带有两个等号的感叹号。 它几乎是不平等的。 它有什么额外的意义? 它们是严格的等号运算符(===,!==),两个操作数必须具有相同的类型和值才能使结果为真。 例如: var_dump(0 == "0"); // true var_dump("1" == "01"); // true var_dump("1" == true); // true var_dump(0 === "0"); // false var_dump("1" === "01"); // false var_dump("1" === true); // false

What does "===" mean?

I've noticed someone using the PHP operator === which I can't make sense out of. I've tried it with a function, and it corresponds in crazy ways. What is the definition of this operator? I can't even find it in the declaration of PHP operators. $a === $b (Identical) TRUE if $a is equal to $b , and they are of the same type. (introduced in PHP 4) PHP Docs http:


我注意到有人使用PHP运算符=== ,这是我无法理解的。 我用一个函数尝试过它,它以疯狂的方式对应。 这个操作符的定义是什么? 我甚至无法在PHP运算符的声明中找到它。 $a === $b (Identical) 如果$a等于$b ,并且它们是相同类型, $b TRUE 。 (在PHP 4中引入) PHP文档 http://www.php.net/ternary $ a == $ b如果$ a等于$ b,则等于TRUE,但(True == -1)仍然为True。 $ a === $ b如果$ a等于$ b,