Fastest way to read long[] from file?

I have a file that contains about 200,000 long values that I want to read as fast as possible into a long[]. It's for an Android app; function calls are slow (so anything involving reading a long at a time with a "for" loop will be super slow) and I need loading to be fast. What can I use? Everything I look at seems to read only bytes fast. I've used ByteBuffer and FileCha

从文件中读取long []的最快方法?

我有一个包含大约200,000个长度值的文件,我想尽可能快地读入长文件[]中。 这是一个Android应用程序; 函数调用速度很慢(因此任何涉及用“for”循环读取很长时间的任何内容都会超慢),并且我需要加载速度很快。 我可以使用什么? 我所看到的一切似乎只能快速读取字节。 我之前使用过NIO包中的ByteBuffer和FileChannel ,这似乎是从文件加载数组值的真正快速方法。 但是,我无法解决如何使用这个将数据读入long []。 我已

How to have each record of JSON on a separate line?

When I use JSONArray and JSONObject to generate a JSON, whole JSON will be generated in one line. How can I have each record on a separate line? It generates like this: [{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}] I need it to be like following: [{ "key1":"value1", "key2":"value2" }] You can use Pretty Print JSON Output (Jackson). Bellow are some examples Convert Object and print


当我使用JSONArray和JSONObject生成JSON时,整个JSON将在一行中生成。 我怎样才能将每条记录放在单独的行上? 它产生像这样: [{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}] 我需要它如下所示: [{ "key1":"value1", "key2":"value2" }] 你可以使用Pretty Print JSON Output(Jackson)。 贝娄是一些例子 转换对象并以JSON格式打印输出。 User user = new User(); //...set user data ObjectMapper mapper =

How to change response http header in get request by spring RestTemplate?

I have simple java spring method for creating object RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); Address address = restTemplate.getForObject(url, Address.class); But the server responds me JSON string with wrong Content-Type: text/plain instead of application/json (checked in Postman). And I get the exception: Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for respons

如何通过spring RestTemplate在获取请求中更改响应http头?

我有创建对象的简单java弹簧方法 RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); Address address = restTemplate.getForObject(url, Address.class); 但服务器响应我JSON字符串与错误的内容类型: 文本/纯文本而不是应用程序/ JSON (在邮递员检查)。 我得到了一个例外: 无法提取响应:找不到适用于响应类型[class Address]和内容类型[text / plain; charset = utf-8]的HttpMessageConverter 所以我认为,我需要改

API Different Content

Since some weeks I'm working on an rest api using spring-mvc. The REST-API is working properly and I`m almost done until one last problem when it comes to error handling with specific error-objects. The REST-API is using JSON as format to serialize Java-Objects. When an error occurs during service-execution an specific error-object gets created and sent back to the client. Everything is


自从几个星期以来,我正在使用spring-mvc工作其余的api。 REST-API工作正常,并且我们几乎完成了直到最后一个问题,当涉及到使用特定错误对象进行错误处理时。 REST-API使用JSON作为格式来序列化Java对象。 在服务执行过程中发生错误时,会创建一个特定的错误对象并将其发送回客户端。 当我的休息服务被标记为“produce = application / json”时,一切正常。 但也有一些服务只需要使用“produce = text / plain”返回简单的

EJB testing strategies?

I'm working on a Java EE 6 application. When I started out, I was writing tests for my EJB classes by manually instantiating the EJB, then manually adding the members that normally get provided by dependency injection. As the application gets more complicated, I find that this approach just doesn't cut it. So I'd like to be able to start my own EJB container in the test framework,


我正在研究Java EE 6应用程序。 当我开始时,我正在为EJB类编写测试,方法是手动实例化EJB,然后手动添加通常由依赖注入提供的成员。 随着应用程序变得更加复杂,我发现这种方法并没有削减它。 所以我希望能够在测试框架中启动自己的EJB容器,以便它可以管理我的bean。 什么是最好的方法来解决这个问题? 我听说过javax.ejb.embeddable.EJBContainer ,还有其他的选择吗? (我使用的是Glassfish 3,如果这有什么区别的话

Using Custom Headers for Response Messages; Bad Practice?

I am working on a REST API using Java and the Spring Framework. Currently, I return a message from the server in a custom HTTP header called Server-Response . This is used in both cases where errors occur and successful requests are completed. Is using a custom HTTP header for this purpose a bad practice? Why did I do this? Cases exist where I need the body for an object but require an add

使用自定义标题查看响应消息; 不好的做法?

我正在使用Java和Spring框架开发一个REST API。 目前,我从服务器返回一个名为Server-Response的自定义HTTP头中的消息。 这用于发生错误和成功请求完成的两种情况。 为此目的使用自定义HTTP标头是一种不好的做法? 我为什么要这样做? 存在的情况下,我需要一个对象的主体,但需要额外的字符串响应。 Java是严格键入的; 如果我返回一个List<Object> ,那么我不能返回一个额外的字符串。 来自服务器的消息必须

Is there an accepted or emerging JSON form and field definition format?

I've recently had cause to back off from a couple of unrelated frameworks and start from scratch. In the one case, Javascript driven form UI and in the other the same for Java Swing . I realized I can make a simple JSON object defining my UI elements from fields to event bindings. Before I go too terribly far down the rabbit hole, I started wondering: is there an emerging or existing stan


我最近有理由退出几个不相关的框架,从头开始。 在一种情况下, Javascript驱动的表单UI,另一种情况对于Java Swing也是如此 。 我意识到我可以制作一个简单的JSON对象,将字段中的UI元素定义为事件绑定。 在我远离兔子洞之前,我开始怀疑: 有没有人看到过这种标准 ? 下面是我正在踢的东西的一种风味。 我正在使用JSON对象来定义一个Swing UI布局以及(单独的)面向JavaScript生成的Web表单的Web。 这两个变量源于我

How to return custom error codes in Cloud Endpoints?

As described here Google Cloud Endpoints only returns a very limited range of http status codes, namely: HTTP 400 BadRequestException HTTP 401 UnauthorizedException HTTP 403 ForbiddenException HTTP 404 NotFoundException (also: Timeout) HTTP 405 HTTP 408 HTTP 409 ConflictException HTTP 410 HTTP 412 HTTP 413 Google suggests to use


如此处所述 Google Cloud Endpoints仅返回一个非常有限的http状态代码范围,即: HTTP 400 BadRequestException HTTP 401 UnauthorizedException HTTP 403 ForbiddenException HTTP 404 NotFoundException (also: Timeout) HTTP 405 HTTP 408 HTTP 409 ConflictException HTTP 410 HTTP 412 HTTP 413 Google建议使用现有的状态代码来返回自定义错误: “在

eloqua Oauth 2.0 submit forms

In my application i'm using eloqua OAuth 2.0 method for authentication. I was able to establish connection and successfully got access_token and refresh_token in the format below: { "access_token":"2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":3600, "refresh_token":"tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA" } I'm tryi

eloqua Oauth 2.0提交表单

在我的应用程序中,我使用eloqua OAuth 2.0方法进行身份验证。 我能够建立连接,并以下面的格式成功获取access_token和refresh_token: {“access_token”:“2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA”,“token_type”:“承载”,“expires_in”:3600,“refresh_token”:“tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA”} 我正试图了解如何使用我收到的访问令牌让Eloqua休息api的下一步操作? 以下是Eloqua的oauth文档:

How exactly hash fragment based security works?

I'm learning OAuth 2.0 and couldn't get the way of securing access token in implicit grant flow . There are some theses in specification and some upvoted SO answers looking contradicting to each other. Could somebody clear it up? Quotes from SO answers and specification that are confusing me: (From spec) Redirection URI used to deliver the access token to the client. The access toke


我正在学习OAuth 2.0,无法在隐式授权流程中获得保护访问令牌的方式。 规范中有一些论文和一些有争议的SO答案看起来相互矛盾。 有人可以清除它吗? 来自SO答案和规范的引用令我感到困惑: (来自spec)用于将访问令牌传递给客户端的重定向URI。 访问令牌可能暴露给资源所有者或具有对资源所有者的用户代理的访问的其他应用程序。 (来自规范)访问令牌凭证(以及任何机密访问令牌属性)务必在传输和存储中保密,并且只能