zero file length from InputStream

I have a REST application with a client built in Angular and a server built with Spring. I'm trying to send a file with an async request, but I receive a 0-length file. It's strange because in the header I can read the exact size of the file (but not its name) but I have no byte stream. This is the client-side code. $scope.uploadFile = function() { var fd = new FormData() for


我有一个REST应用程序,内含Angular构建的客户端和使用Spring构建的服务器。 我试图发送一个异步请求的文件,但我收到一个长度为0的文件。 这很奇怪,因为在头文件中我可以读取文件的确切大小(但不是它的名字),但是我没有字节流。 这是客户端代码。 $scope.uploadFile = function() { var fd = new FormData() for (var i in $scope.files) { fd.append("uploadedFile", $scope.files[i]) } var

File upload in Spring Boot: Uploading, validation, and exception handling

I would like to be able to upload images to a server, handling errors and exceptions gracefully, with error messages displayed to the user in the form, and ideally only using an existing barebones Spring Boot and Thymeleaf install. Using the example project gs-uploading-files I can upload files to a server using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. In I set spring.http.multipart.m

Spring Boot中的文件上传:上传,验证和异常处理

我希望能够将图像上传到服务器,优雅地处理错误和异常,并在表单中向用户显示错误消息,理想情况下只使用现有的准系统Spring Boot和Thymeleaf安装。 使用示例项目gs-uploading-files,我可以使用Spring Boot和Thymeleaf将文件上传到服务器。 在application.properties中,我设置了spring.http.multipart.max-file-size=1MB和spring.http.multipart.max-request-size=1MB 。 但是,当我上传大于1MB的文件时,有几个安全和验证

type is overwritten by FormHttpMessageConverter

I'm using FormHttpMessageConverter in Spring Framework. For sending a file by restTemplate, I added FormHttpMessageConverter in my project. The problem is the server where takes the file asked string encrypted Content-type of me. I had to send the file with Content-type: multipart/form-data, but they asked "Content-type: multipart/form-data;" and "boundary:XXXX" . S


我在Spring框架中使用FormHttpMessageConverter。 对于通过restTemplate发送文件,我在我的项目中添加了FormHttpMessageConverter。 问题是服务器在哪里接受文件询问字符串加密我的内容类型。 我必须发送Content-type:multipart / form-data文件,但他们询问“Content-type:multipart / form-data;” 和“边界:XXXX” 。 所以我试图在发送文件之前为边界创造价值。 但是,RestTemplate.exchage()的边界值被覆盖。原因是

how to upload a multipart file using angular js spring mvc

I am trying to upload a file using angularjs and spring MVC I have a multipartResolver bean in application-context.xml. <mvc:annotation-driven /> <bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver"> <property name="maxUploadSize" value="2097152" /> </bean> my form look like this: <form

如何使用angular js spring mvc上传多部分文件

我正在尝试使用angularjs和spring MVC上传文件 我在application-context.xml中有一个multipartResolver bean。 <mvc:annotation-driven /> <bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver"> <property name="maxUploadSize" value="2097152" /> </bean> 我的表单看起来像这样: <form method="post" id

Spring multipart upload

Im trying to write a controller and a form that can handle a multipart file upload and some other data passing. First i made the basic form like this: <form:form method="POST" commandName="myForm"> then everything fine, but no multipart handling of course. Then i add the enctype part like this: <form:form method="POST" commandName="myForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Then my


我试图编写一个控制器和一个窗体,可以处理多部分文件上传和其他数据传递。 首先我做了这样的基本形式: <form:form method="POST" commandName="myForm"> 那么一切都很好,但当然没有多部分处理。 然后我添加像这样的enctype部分: <form:form method="POST" commandName="myForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 然后我的整个表格都搞砸了,所有的属性都给了NullPointers。 甚至没有一个简单的String名称

@EnableAspectJAutoProxy does not work

I am using Spring Boot, and I would like to use AspectJ with it. The following works (of course): @Aspect @Component public class RequestMappingAspect { @Before("@annotation(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping)") public void advice(JoinPoint joinPoint) { ... } } However, if @Component is removed and @EnableAspectJAutoProxy is added, the following does


我使用Spring Boot,并且我想使用AspectJ。 以下作品(当然): @Aspect @Component public class RequestMappingAspect { @Before("@annotation(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping)") public void advice(JoinPoint joinPoint) { ... } } 但是,如果删除了@Component并添加了@EnableAspectJAutoProxy ,则以下内容不起作用。 @SpringBootApplication @EnableSwagger2 @Enable

Slow to start application on different connections

I'm experiencing some weirdness with a Spring Boot application. When I'm connected to WIFI A (my home network) or disconnected from the internet entirely, the application starts within 6 seconds. When I'm connected to WIFI B (my work network) the application takes 1.5 minutes to start. This is a simple Hello, world! spring application. The main class looks like this: import o


Spring Boot应用程序遇到了一些奇怪的问题。 当我连接到WIFI A(我的家庭网络)或完全与互联网断开连接时,应用程序将在6秒内启动。 当我连接到WIFI B(我的工作网络)时,应用程序需要1.5分钟才能启动。 这是一个简单的你好,世界! 春季应用。 主要类是这样的: import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; @SpringBootApplication p

Launching JavaFX 2 with Spring boot

I am trying to combine new application with javaFX 2 and spring boot, but so far my simple (like hello world) app isn't running because of "root is null" in MainPaneController. MainPaneController class: public class MainPaneController implements Initializable { public static final String VIEW = "/fxml/Scene.fxml"; @FXML private Node root; @FXML private Label label; @PostConst

用Spring引导启动JavaFX 2

我正在尝试将新应用程序与javaFX 2和spring引导结合起来,但到目前为止,我的简单(如hello world)应用程序并未运行,因为MainPaneController中的“root为null”。 MainPaneController类: public class MainPaneController implements Initializable { public static final String VIEW = "/fxml/Scene.fxml"; @FXML private Node root; @FXML private Label label; @PostConstruct public void init() { } public Node g

Security configuration with Spring

I created a Spring Security configuration class for Spring-Boot. My login page has resources css, js and ico files. The resources are getting denied for security reasons and redirected to login page each time. Why does EnableWebMVCSecurity not add the Classpath resource location. After changing the code as in the second snippet the I Classpath resource location is added. dont understand what


我为Spring-Boot创建了一个Spring Security配置类。 我的登录页面有资源css,js和ico文件。 由于安全原因资源被拒绝,并且每次都重定向到登录页面。 为什么EnableWebMVCSecurity不添加Classpath资源位置。 在第二个片段中更改代码后,添加I Classpath资源位置。 不明白我缺少的第一个代码片段中的资源。 @Configuration /* * Enable Spring Security’s web security support and provide the Spring MVC integration *

type does dropbox (file put) api uses? and How to mimic it?

I was reading the files_put documentation for the Dropbox API. The URL Path they use is:<root>/<path>?param=val and request body holds the file: required The file contents to be uploaded. Since the entire PUT body will be treated as the file, any parameters must be passed as part of the request URL. The request URL should be signed ju

类型没有dropbox(文件放)api使用? 和如何模仿它?

我正在阅读Dropbox API的files_put文档。 他们使用的URL路径是:<root>/<path>?param=val :<root>/<path>?param=val <root>/<path><root>/<path>?param=val ,请求正文持有该文件: required需要上传的文件内容。 由于整个PUT