finding vals from table with variable keys

There is a table: key consists from 3 suffixes: region+s1+s2 region, like US is always specified, but other ones can be not specified so * will be used for "all". for example: for key = "US_A_U" value = 2, because: trying to find full match: find in the table key ("US_A_U") - not found 1 step less strict find: find key ("US_A_*") - found == 2 fo


这里有张桌子: 密钥由3个后缀组成:region + s1 + s2 地区,像美国一样总是指定,但其他的不能指定,所以*将用于“全部”。 例如:for key =“US_A_U”value = 2,因为: 试图找到完全匹配:找到表键(“US_A_U”) - 找不到 1步少严格找到:找到密钥(“US_A_ *”) - 找到== 2 对于key =“US_Q_Q”值= 3,因为: 试图找到完全匹配:找到表键(“US_Q_Q”) - 找不到 1步少严格找到:找到密钥(“US_Q_ *”) - 找不到 找

Unable to Execute a sql query on java using jdbc

I am learning JDBC and trying to execute sql query on Java using IDE Eclipse. The jdbc driver is getting loaded and the connection is getting established, however the query doesn't run. import java.sql.*; public class JDBCDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe"; String un="system"; String pwd="system"; Connection con


我正在学习JDBC并尝试使用IDE Eclipse在Java上执行sql查询。 jdbc驱动程序正在加载并且连接已建立,但查询无法运行。 import java.sql.*; public class JDBCDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe"; String un="system"; String pwd="system"; Connection con=null; Statement stmt=null; ResultSet res=null; try{ DriverM

Driver JDBC PostgreSQL with Android

This question already has an answer here: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver, Android 5 answers While not the strict answer to your question, I do have a suggestion. Don't try to use JDBC on the Android device directly. You'll save a lot of hassle that way. I wrote about that in more detail on the "JDBC vs Web Service for Android" question. Write y

使用Android驱动JDBC PostgreSQL

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:org.postgresql.Driver,Android 5答案 虽然不是你的问题的严格答案,但我确实有一个建议。 不要尝试直接在Android设备上使用JDBC。 这样可以节省很多麻烦。 我更详细地写了关于“JDBC vs Web Service for Android”问题的文章。 将数据库逻辑写入可通过Web访问的应用程序服务器,并通过HTTP + JSON,SOAP,XML-RPC或类似语言与该应用程序服务器通信。

Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver

I'm trying to use JDBC in my Android application to connect to a remote database to do inserts, queries, etc. I have successfully connected and done these things in a different JAVA project. So I figured since Android is Java, I could just port over the relevant code, add the same build path for the driver, etc. But it gives me the error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Dri

Android JDBC不工作:驱动程序上的ClassNotFoundException

我试图在我的Android应用程序中使用JDBC连接到远程数据库以执行插入,查询等。我已成功连接并在不同的JAVA项目中完成了这些操作。 所以我想,因为Android是Java,我可以移植相关的代码,为驱动添加相同的构建路径等。但它给了我错误: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 我真的不认为这是一个代码问题,因为相同的代码在Java项目中工作(我只是在main()中执行)。 但在此参考它是: String url = "

Android: using JDBC?

can you use the JDBC driver on android? i have found blobdb that is suppose to support android but i cant seem to get it to work i get get java.sql.SQLException: Permission denied when trying to get the results from the query :( try{ Class.forName("org.vnetcon.blobdb.driver.jdbc.BlobDBDriver").newInstance(); Connection con = DriverManager.g


你可以在android上使用JDBC驱动程序吗? 我发现是假设支持android的blobdb,但我似乎无法得到它的工作我得到java.sql.SQLException:当试图从查询中获得结果的权限被拒绝:( try{ Class.forName("org.vnetcon.blobdb.driver.jdbc.BlobDBDriver").newInstance(); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("blobdb|http://localhost:3306/test|username=root|passwo

View's getWidth() and getHeight() returns 0

I am creating all of the elements in my android project dynamically. I am trying to get the width and height of a button so that I can rotate that button around. I am just trying to learn how to work with the android language. However, it returns 0. I did some research and I saw that it needs to be done somewhere other than in the onCreate() method. If someone can give me an example of how


我正在动态创建我的android项目中的所有元素。 我正在尝试获取按钮的宽度和高度,以便我可以旋转该按钮。 我只是想学习如何使用android语言。 但是,它返回0。 我做了一些研究,我发现它需要在onCreate()方法以外的地方完成。 如果有人能给我一个如何去做的例子,那就太好了。 这是我现在的代码: package com.animation; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.animation.Anima

How to use WebSocket with a Jetty emdedded custom server

I'm new to StackOverflow. I've searched about the topic, but I did not find anything really relevant. Basically I need to develop a web 'Support Chat' system for our company. I know that there are a lot of available solutions out of there, but we need a custom solution in Java. We need to build a Support Chat web system where users that visit the web site can ask for support

如何使用带有Jetty emded定制服务器的WebSocket

我是StackOverflow的新手。 我已经搜寻过这个话题,但我没有找到真正相关的东西。 基本上我需要为我们公司开发一个网络“支持聊天”系统。 我知道有很多可用的解决方案,但我们需要Java中的定制解决方案。 我们需要建立一个支持聊天网络系统,访问该网站的用户可以使用聊天请求支持,另一方面,我们有'n'代理人负责处理请求。 为了商业智能的目的,我们需要在Cassandra群集中存储每一段对话。 我们需要在Java(服务

Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side?

I was hoping to implement a simple XMPP server in Java. What I need is a library which can parse and understand xmpp requests from a client. I have looked at Smack (mentioned below) and JSO. Smack appears to be client only so while it might help parsing packets it doesn't know how to respond to clients. Is JSO maintained it looks very old. The only promising avenue is to pull apart Open

用于服务器端的良好XMPP Java库?

我希望能用Java实现一个简单的XMPP服务器。 我需要的是一个能够解析和理解来自客户端的xmpp请求的库。 我看过Smack(下面提到)和JSO。 Smack似乎只是客户端,所以它可能有助于解析数据包,但它不知道如何响应客户端。 JSO保持它看起来很老。 唯一有希望的途径是将Openfire作为整个商业(OSS)XMPP服务器。 我只是希望在Netty或Mina之上添加几行代码,所以我可以开始处理一些消息。 乔 - 那么我想要做的答案有点长

Adding Custom Attributes in Message tag in XMPP packet using asmack for android?

The Message Packet that i want to recieve. <message to="" chat_id="73392" custom_packet="true" user_id="44" manager_id="39" time_stamp="0" website_id="0" visitor_name="John" end_time="False" xml:lang="en-us" type="groupchat" from=""> <body>Hello</body> <x

使用asmack for android在XMPP数据包的消息标记中添加自定义属性?

我想要接收的消息包。 <message to="" chat_id="73392" custom_packet="true" user_id="44" manager_id="39" time_stamp="0" website_id="0" visitor_name="John" end_time="False" xml:lang="en-us" type="groupchat" from=""> <body>Hello</body> <x xmlns="http://jabber.

Smack Android, creating a service to receive messages

I'm doing a chat with the library smack Android 4.1.4. This library uses the XMPP protocol. To receive messages, you must authenticate to a server (for example openfire) and login using XMPPCONNECTION. All of this is quite simple if performed when the application starts. The problem comes when you have to receive messages when the application is closed. I tried to use an "Android se

Smack Android,创建一个接收消息的服务

我正在与Android 4.1.4的图书馆聊天。 该库使用XMPP协议。 要接收消息,您必须使用XMPPCONNECTION对服务器进行身份验证(例如,openfire)并进行登录。 如果在应用程序启动时执行这些操作,这一切都非常简单。 当应用程序关闭时必须接收消息时,问题就出现了。 我试图使用“Android服务”来维持客户端和服务器之间的连接。 (在这种情况下,我做了),但我不认为是最好的方法。 另外,由于Android通过服务在电话关闭后再次