Smack api and Openfire server presence error

I am developing a chat application using Smack api and I got stuck at receiving presence packets. Tested with Smack 3.2.2 and 3.3.0. These problems involve only using Openfire server 3.8.1. First :I am sending the presence packet from Spark and receiving it with success second I am updating and sending presence packet from Spark client to my own: <presence id="b8nyI-95"> <sta

Smack API和Openfire服务器存在错误

我正在开发一个使用Smack API的聊天应用程序,并且我被困在接收存在数据包中。 使用Smack 3.2.2和3.3.0进行测试。 这些问题只涉及使用Openfire服务器3.8.1。 首先 :我从Spark发送存在数据包并成功接收数据包 第二我正在更新并从Spark客户端发送状态数据包到我自己的: <presence id="b8nyI-95"> <status>Free to chat</status> <priority>1</priority> <show>chat</sh

Cannot query SQL Server table containing Arabic from my Java app using HQL

I'm working on a Java Swing application where I query a table in a SQL Server database. This table contains some data that is in Arabic, Chinese etc... But the problem is that I am not getting any results while using this query: (var can be Arabic or any other language): from Table T where T.columnName like '%"+var+"%' I did some searching and then tried the following: from Table T where

使用HQL无法从我的Java应用程序查询包含阿拉伯语的SQL Server表

我正在研究一个Java Swing应用程序,我在这里查询SQL Server数据库中的一个表。 这个表格包含阿拉伯文,中文等的一些数据......但问题是我在使用这个查询时没有得到任何结果:(var可以是阿拉伯文或任何其他语言): from Table T where T.columnName like '%"+var+"%' 我做了一些搜索,然后尝试以下内容: from Table T where T.columnName like N'%"+var+"%' 我在NetBeans上收到此错误消息: 线程“AWT-EventQueue-0”中

Missing line when reading using input stream reader

I have a sample EXE which prints below output. EXEs Output: 1 2 3 4 5 Failed equivalent code in java: for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++){ System.out.println(i); } System.out.println("Failed"); When trying to initiate the EXE using java code and read the output some data goes missing. Find the java for initiating the asset. Java Code: String[] commands = new String[] {"sample.exe" };


我有一个示例EXE打印在输出下面。 EXE输出: 1 2 3 4 5 Failed 在java中的等效代码: for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++){ System.out.println(i); } System.out.println("Failed"); 当试图使用java代码启动EXE并读取输出时,一些数据会丢失。 找到启动资产的Java。 Java代码: String[] commands = new String[] {"sample.exe" }; p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commands); InputStream is = p.getInputStream();

Passing a tab character as a command line argument in Java

This question already has an answer here: How to unescape a Java string literal in Java? 10 answers The tab that you defined in code is a single-character string (since "t" is an escape sequence). From the command line you get a two-characters string, as bash doesn't handle "t" as the tab character. To pass that from command line, you can use echo -e which supports


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在Java中使用Java字符串文字? 10个答案 您在代码中定义的tab是单字符字符串(因为“ t”是转义序列)。 在命令行中,您会得到一个两个字符的字符串,因为bash不会将“ t”作为制表符处理。 要从命令行传递它,可以使用echo -e ,它支持t (或n等几种)转义序列: $ java Main "$(echo -en 't')" 如果您传递't'或"t"命令行上,它会导致一个反斜杠后跟一个t要传递给你

How can I use a custom runner when using categories in Junit?

I have a bunch of JUnit tests that extend my base test class called BaseTest which in turn extends Assert . Some of my tests have a @Category(SlowTests.class) annotation. My BaseTest class is annotated with the following annotation @RunWith(MyJUnitRunner.class) . I've set up a Gradle task that is expected to run only SlowTests . Here's my Gradle task: task integrationTests(type: Te


我有一堆JUnit测试,它们扩展了我的基本测试类BaseTest ,它又扩展了Assert 。 我的一些测试有一个@Category(SlowTests.class)注释。 我的BaseTest类使用以下注释@RunWith(MyJUnitRunner.class)注释。 我已经设置了一个Gradle任务,预计只能运行SlowTests 。 这是我的Gradle任务: task integrationTests(type: Test) { minHeapSize = "768m" maxHeapSize = "1024m" testLogging { events "passed", "

Should all these default threads be Running? And do they keep my JVM alive?

I have a question regarding the threads that my application spawns during execution and on their status. I have a Swing application and I noticed a couple of strange behaviours in some test scenarios, using Java VisualVM. Running my program for 30+minutes doing nothing (just started and leaving it there running) I noticed the following. First of all, in the the Threads tab I see a lot of ali

所有这些默认线程都应该运行吗? 他们是否让我的JVM活着?

我有一个关于我的应用程序在执行期间产生的线程及其状态的问题。 我有一个Swing应用程序,并且在一些测试场景中使用Java VisualVM注意到了一些奇怪的行为。 运行我的程序30+分钟无所事事(刚开始并让它在那里运行)我注意到以下内容。 首先,在“线程”选项卡中,我看到很多活动线程。 读取(除其他外)默认线程,如DestroyJavaVM,Reference Handler,Signal Dispatcher和Java应用程序开始执行时spwaned的线程是什么? 我

Can't pipe Output of Hadoop Command

I want to run the following command: hadoop fs -copyToLocal FILE_IN_HDFS | ssh REMOTE_HOST "dd of=TARGET_FILE" However, when I try, all it does, is create an empty file on the target host and copy it to my local home drive, instead of copying it to the remote location. $ hadoop fs -copyToLocal FILE_IN_HDFS | ssh REMOTE_HOST "dd of=test.jar" 0+0 Datensätze ein 0+0 Datensätze au


我想运行以下命令: hadoop fs -copyToLocal FILE_IN_HDFS | ssh REMOTE_HOST "dd of=TARGET_FILE" 但是,当我尝试时,它所做的只是在目标主机上创建一个空文件,并将其复制到本地主驱动器,而不是将其复制到远程位置。 $ hadoop fs -copyToLocal FILE_IN_HDFS | ssh REMOTE_HOST“dd of = test.jar” 0 + 0Datensätzeein 0 + 0Datensätzeaus 0字节(0 B)kopiert,1,10011 s,0,0 kB / s 我想不出任何理由,为什么

Amazon mws ability to take notice of restricted products

当我使用我的账户API密钥时,需要点击哪个端点和哪个API才能分辨是否可以销售给定的产品? According to, prohibition depends on the country's law.So, no api outputs whether your all products are sellable or not. "For some product categories, sellers may not create product listings without prior a


当我使用我的账户API密钥时,需要点击哪个端点和哪个API才能分辨是否可以销售给定的产品? 根据,禁止取决于国家的法律。因此,没有api输出您的所有产品是否可销售或不。 “对于某些产品类别,卖家不得在未经亚马逊事先批准的情况下创建产品列表;此外,卖家可能需要获得额外的批准才能列出特定类别的某些产品。要请求访问特

Double comparison trick in Java

C++ allows you to combine two integer comparisons in one for range checking, like (unsigned)X < (unsigned)Upper which returns true when 0 <= X < Upper The Java language has no unsigned type. Do you see a way to obtain the same effect, using a single comparison and not too much overhead ? Update : From a comment by @Bathsheba, the char type is unsigned 16 bits and will be fit for


C ++允许您将两个整数比较合并为一个用于范围检查,如 (unsigned)X < (unsigned)Upper 当时,它返回true 0 <= X < Upper Java语言没有无符号类型。 你是否看到一种获得相同效果的方法,使用单一比较而不是太多开销? 更新 : 从@Bathsheba发表的评论中,字符类型是无符号的16位,并且符合我的目的,因为我的整数实际上在短路范围内。 问题仍然是开放的平原int秒。 可能是(X | (Upper - 1 - X)) >= 0某

Realm access from incorrect thread

Background I am using Realm within my app. When data is loaded it then undergoes intense processing therefore the processing occurs on a background thread. The coding pattern in use is the Unit of Work pattern and Realm only exists within a repository under a DataManager. The idea here is that each repository can have a different database/file storage solution. What I have tried Below i


背景 我在我的应用程序中使用Realm。 当数据加载后,它会经历强烈的处理,因此处理发生在后台线程上。 正在使用的编码模式是工作单元模式,Realm只存在于DataManager下的存储库中。 这里的想法是每个存储库可以有不同的数据库/文件存储解决方案。 我所尝试过的 下面是我在FooRespository类中的一些类似代码的例子。 这里的想法是获得Realm的一个实例,用于查询感兴趣对象的领域,返回它们并关闭领域实例。 请注意,