Download document from google drive using Google Drive API in .net

I want to download document from Google Drive.for that i am using Google Drive API.I am very new to Google Drive API so can any one tell me how to downlaod document from google Drive ? I have try this option but i am getting exception on line HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( new Uri(fi

使用.net中的Google Drive API从谷歌驱动器下载文档

我想从Google Drive下载文档,因为我使用的是Google Drive API。我对Google Drive API非常陌生,因此任何人都可以告诉我如何从Google Drive下载文档? 我尝试使用此选项,但我在线获得例外 HttpWebRequest request =(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(file.DownloadUrl.ToString())); authenticator.ApplyAuthenticat

Returning JSON AND XML format from a .NET 3.5 WCF web service (REST)

I have an existing web service that returns XML responses and I would like to add some new methods that return JSON. Do I have to create a separate web service that returns in JSON or can I have a mix? If I use the ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.JSON I need to have the service annotated with [DataContractFormat] but I cant seem to have that and [XmlSerializerFormat] which is required for th

从.NET 3.5 WCF Web服务(REST)返回JSON和XML格式

我有一个现有的Web服务返回XML响应,我想添加一些返回JSON的新方法。 我是否必须创建一个以JSON格式返回的独立Web服务,还是可以混合使用? 如果我使用ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.JSON,我需要使用[DataContractFormat]注释该服务,但我似乎无法获得xml类型响应格式所需的[XmlSerializerFormat]。 我不明白为什么这是不可能的。 您使用[ServiceContract]属性(而不是DataContractFormat)注释该服务。 它应该看起

How do I add a WSDL to a Visual Studio 2005 project?

One of our vendors provides a web service API to allow their customers to validate data in a database. As part of their SDK, they provide a WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) file that, according to their documentation, can "be read by software applications and application development tools. An application tool such as Microsoft's Visual Studio can import a WSDL document and automat

如何将WSDL添加到Visual Studio 2005项目?

我们的一个供应商提供了一个Web服务API,以允许他们的客户验证数据库中的数据。 作为SDK的一部分,他们提供了一个WSDL(Web服务定义语言)文件,根据他们的文档,该文件可以被软件应用程序和应用程序开发工具读取,像Microsoft的Visual Studio这样的应用程序工具可以导入W​​SDL文档,自动生成访问WSDL定义的Web服务的软件类。“ 我目前正在使用Visual Studio 2005.我需要做些什么来让Visual Studio为我执行魔术代码生成? 更

WCF REST + Windsor error handling

I want to handle application's internal exceptions in a consistent way so that REST web services return errors in a RESTful way. I'm using Castle's WCF integration and I couldn't find any good sources on how to do handle errors using WcfIntegration.WindsorServiceHostFactory . The only solution that comes to mind is to use Castle's interceptors on web service methods to catc

WCF REST + Windsor错误处理

我想以一致的方式处理应用程序的内部异常,以便REST Web服务以RESTful方式返回错误。 我正在使用Castle的WCF集成,我无法找到任何有关如何使用WcfIntegration.WindsorServiceHostFactory处理错误的好资源。 想到的唯一解决方案是在Web服务方法上使用Castle的拦截器来捕获“内部”异常并将其转换为HTTP响应属性(例如: KeyNotFoundException将被转换为404 Not Found状态代码)。 有没有更好的方法? 谢谢。 标准WCF IErrorHa

Is there a standard practice for synchronizing SQL Server tables?

I've written an application that retrieves pricing and part options from a SQL database to generate a 3D Model of the product and create a sales proposal. My client likes it so much they want to be able to use it on laptops in the field now. The catch is, they won't have an internet connection. I'm considering setting up a SQLite database as part of the standard installation. The

是否有同步SQL Server表的标准做法?

我编写了一个应用程序,可以从SQL数据库中检索定价和零件选项,以生成产品的3D模型并创建销售建议。 我的客户非常喜欢它,他们希望现在能够在现场使用笔记本电脑。 赶上,他们将不会有互联网连接。 我正在考虑设置一个SQLite数据库作为标准安装的一部分。 当互联网连接重新建立时,每台笔记本电脑上的SQLite数据库将与主数据库同步。 有关于像这样同步SQL表的最佳实践吗? 我应该考虑哪些缺陷? 我接受所有选择。 谢

How often do you create implicit conversions for your classes?

I've been developing .NET applications for 4 years. So far, I did not need to create any implicit conversions for the classes I authored. Could you provide real-life situations when you could not do without creating implicit conversions? Thank you Implicit conversions should only be defined when the type can be converted to or from (preferably to and from) another type with no loss of


我一直在开发.NET应用程序4年。 到目前为止,我不需要为我创作的类创建任何隐式转换。 如果不创建隐式转换,您可以提供真实的情况吗? 谢谢 隐式转换只能在类型可以转换为或从其他类型转换(最好是转换为另一类型)并且不丢失数据的情况下定义。 另一个标准是隐式转换应该相当便宜,因为使用您的类的开发人员可能不会意识到隐式转换何时发生。 一个例子是坐标系之间的转换。 例如,可以转换为笛卡尔坐标的极坐标矢量

Is there a "standard" way to implement Software Activation for .NET?

I've been looking at software activation systems for .NET and frankly found the websites out there underwhelming. I'm wondering if there's a "standard" way to do it in .NET? If not, does anyone with experience of them have a recommendation? I understand the arguments for and against activation systems, but still need to evaluate. Thanks. The .NET framework doesn't


我一直在寻找.NET的软件激活系统,并坦率地发现那里的网站令人沮丧。 我想知道是否有一种“标准”的方式来在.NET中做到这一点? 如果没有,有经验的人有没有建议? 我了解激活系统的论点,但仍需要评估。 谢谢。 .NET框架没有内置的软件激活支持 - 您必须从供应商处购买许可工具。 一段时间后,微软进入了这个游戏(MS SLP),但并没有取得多大成功,并将其卖给了。 我们出售一种许可解决方案

Making a WinForms TextBox behave like your browser's address bar

When a C# WinForms textbox receives focus, I want it to behave like your browser's address bar. To see what I mean, click in your web browser's address bar. You'll notice the following behavior: Clicking in the textbox should select all the text if the textbox wasn't previously focused. Mouse down and drag in the textbox should select only the text I've highlighted with

使WinForms TextBox的行为与浏览器的地址栏类似

当C#WinForms文本框收到焦点时,我希望它的行为与浏览器的地址栏类似。 要明白我的意思,请点击您的网络浏览器的地址栏。 您会注意到以下行为: 如果文本框之前没有关注,则单击文本框应该选择所有文本。 在文本框中鼠标向下并拖动时,应该只选择我用鼠标突出显示的文本。 如果文本框已被聚焦,则单击不会选择所有文本。 以编程方式或通过键盘选项卡聚焦文本框应选择全部文本。 我想在WinForms中做到这一点。 最

WPF change Button Content on ViewModel.PropertyChanged event

My attempt (below) fails: <Canvas x:Key="Lock" ... /> <Canvas x:Key="Unlock" ... /> <Style x:Key="LockButtonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=IsReadOnly}" Value="True"> <DataTrigger.Setters> <Setter Property="Content" Value="{StaticResource Lock}" />


我的尝试(下文)失败: <Canvas x:Key="Lock" ... /> <Canvas x:Key="Unlock" ... /> <Style x:Key="LockButtonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=IsReadOnly}" Value="True"> <DataTrigger.Setters> <Setter Property="Content" Value="{StaticResource Lock}" />

Bind to a method in WPF?

How do you bind to an objects method in this scenario in WPF? public class RootObject { public string Name { get; } public ObservableCollection<ChildObject> GetChildren() {...} } public class ChildObject { public string Name { get; } } XAML: <TreeView ItemsSource="some list of RootObjects"> <TreeView.Resources> <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="


如何在WPF中的这种情况下绑定到对象方法? public class RootObject { public string Name { get; } public ObservableCollection<ChildObject> GetChildren() {...} } public class ChildObject { public string Name { get; } } XAML: <TreeView ItemsSource="some list of RootObjects"> <TreeView.Resources> <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type data:RootObje