Custom bundle in MVC 4 is not rendered

I am working on ASP.NET MVC 4 application. I want to make my own bundle containing .js files which I will use for validation but for some reason it's not working. Just to mention - if I render all my scripts in a given view everything is working fine like: @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js") @Scriptes.Render("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js") //..few more files but I don'

未呈现MVC 4中的自定义包

我正在研究ASP.NET MVC 4应用程序。 我想制作自己的包含.js文件的包,我将用它进行验证,但由于某种原因,它不起作用。 只要提及 - 如果我将所有脚本渲染到给定的视图中,那么一切工作都很好,如: @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js") @Scriptes.Render("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js") //..few more files 但我不想每次都包含所有这些脚本,所以我决定制作自己的包。 我所做的步骤是: 在BundleConf

How to implement buffering with timeout in RX

I need to implement an event processing, that is done delayed when there are no new events arriving for a certain period. (I have to queue up a parsing task when the text buffer changed, but I don't want to start the parsing when the user is still typing.) I'm new in RX, but as far as I see, I would need a combination of BufferWithTime and the Timeout methods. I imagine this to be wor


我需要实现一个事件处理,当没有新的事件到达某段时间时会延迟处理。 (当文本缓冲区发生变化时,我必须排队解析任务,但我不想在用户仍在键入时开始解析。) 我是RX新手,但据我所知,我需要结合使用BufferWithTime和Timeout方法。 我想这是这样工作的:它缓冲事件,直到它们在后续事件之间的特定时间段内定期接收。 如果事件流中存在间隙(比时间跨度长),它应该返回传播缓冲的事件。 看看如何实现Buffer和Timeout,我

WCF Silverlight client getting 404 not found response for poll message

Eventually WCF duplex Silverlight 4 client start getting 404 Not Found errors for poll messages, immediately after poll was send from WCF service to Silverlight client, sometimes this happens for second poll sometimes connectivity works hours or even days, but mostly fails on first minutes. ! And what is interesting the issue is like known Silverlight 4 bug when using MaxMessagesPerPoll duplex

WCF Silverlight客户端获取404未找到轮询消息的响应

最终WCF双工Silverlight 4客户端在WCF服务发送给Silverlight客户端后立即获得404 Not Found轮询消息的错误,有时候这种情况会发生在第二轮投票中,有时连接工作几小时甚至几天,但大多数情况下会在第一分钟内失败。 ! 有趣的是,这个问题就像使用MaxMessagesPerPoll双工模式时已知的Silverlight 4 bug一样,并且在这里和这里描述了解决方案,但是我使用的是SingleMessagePerPoll模式。 ANYWAY我建议使用ClientStack ,但没

Anatomy of a "Memory Leak"

In .NET perspective: What is a Memory Leak ? How can you determine whether your application leaks? What are the effects? How can you prevent a memory leak? If your application has memory leak, does it go away when the process exits or is killed? Or do memory leaks in your application affect other processes on the system even after process completion? And what about unmanaged code acce


在.NET的角度来看: 什么是内存泄漏 ? 你如何确定你的应用程序是否泄漏? 有什么影响? 你如何防止内存泄漏? 如果您的应用程序存在内存泄漏,当进程退出或被终止时它会消失吗? 或者即使在进程完成后,应用程序中的内存泄漏也会影响系统上的其他进程? 那么通过COM Interop和/或P / Invoke访问非托管代码呢? 我见过的最好的解释是免费编程电子书基础的第7章。 基本上,在.NET中 ,当被引用的对象被植入时会发

How does DPAPI and ProtectedData.Protect() handle Disk Images/Clones in .net 4?

I am testing out the idea of using .net v4's System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData() and UnprotectData() methods with the DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine scope to ensure that an file can only be encrypted/decrypted on a single machine. Here is the general idea of what I am doing... //Encrypt byte[] outBytes = ProtectedData.Protect(File.ReadAllBytes(fileIn), null, DataProtectionSco

DPAPI和ProtectedData.Protect()如何处理.net 4中的磁盘映像/克隆?

我正在测试使用.net v4的System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData()和UnprotectData()方法以及DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine范围的想法,以确保文件只能在单个机器上加密/解密。 这是我正在做的一般想法...... //Encrypt byte[] outBytes = ProtectedData.Protect(File.ReadAllBytes(fileIn), null, DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine); File.WriteAllBytes(fileOut, outBytes); //Decrypt byte[] outByte

Visual Studio loading the right (x86 or x64) dll!

I'm working on visual studio in an x86. I would like to build my application for both x32 and x64. But i need to use the sqlite .net connector wich has a dll for x86 apps and another dll for x64 apps. How do i configure my visual studio to load a reference when my configuration is x64 and another when my configuration is x86? Thanks, Richard. 在参考项目文件中使用MSBUILD条件<Reference

Visual Studio加载正确的(x86或x64)dll!

我正在使用x86的visual studio。 我想为x32和x64构建我的应用程序。 但我需要使用sqlite .net连接器,它有一个用于x86应用程序的dll和另一个用于x64应用程序的dll。 如何配置我的Visual Studio加载引用时,我的配置是x64和另一个时,我的配置是x86? 谢谢,理查德。 在参考项目文件中使用MSBUILD条件<Reference Include="SomeAssembly86, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=41b332442f1101cc

XmlText attribute in base class breakes serialization

I have a base class with a property called Name, which has an XmlText attribute. When an inherited class is serialized I get an exception saying: There was an error reflecting type '[type name]'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot serialize object of type '[type name]'. Base type '[base type name]' has simpleContent and can only be extended by adding Xm


我有一个名为Name的属性,它具有XmlText属性。 当一个继承类被序列化时,我得到一个异常说: 反映类型'[type name]'的错误。 ---> System.InvalidOperationException:不能序列化类型为“[type name]”的对象。 基本类型'[基本类型名称]'具有simpleContent,只能通过添加XmlAttribute元素进行扩展。 请考虑将基类的XmlText成员更改为字符串数组。 这里是我的类定义,当序列化为xml时发生错误。 [Seria

ODBC .NET 32 bit and 64 bit

Please help me! I have WindowsService that is compiled with Platform Target = x86. This service works with ODBC driver. On the server i have 32 and 64 bit ODBC managers. On 32 bit ODBC driver i have installed Informix Drivers and System DSN=TestDb. On 64 bit - nothing installed. No DSN, no drivers. When i try to run a query via my Windows Service it returns the error: ERROR [IM014] [Mic

ODBC .NET 32位和64位

请帮帮我! 我有用Platform Target = x86编译的WindowsService。 该服务适用于ODBC驱动程序。 在服务器上我有32位和64位ODBC管理器。 在32位ODBC驱动程序上,我安装了Informix驱动程序和系统DSN = TestDb。 在64位 - 没有安装。 没有DSN,没有驱动程序。 当我尝试通过Windows服务运行查询时,它返回错误: 错误[IM014] [Microsoft] [ODBC驱动程序管理器]指定的DSN包含驱动程序和应用程序之间的体系结构不匹配 所以我

What is the difference between ASP.NET 5 platform and MVC 6

I came across the following statement in the ASP.NNEdocumentation ASP.NET 5: The next version of ASP.NET, the open source Microsoft platform for building Modern Web Applications on Windows, Linux and Mac. ASP.NET 5 includes the MVC 6 framework for building web applications. It combines the features of MVC, Web API and Web Pages into a single web framework. ASP.NET 5 also includes SignalR 3 f

ASP.NET 5平台和MVC 6有什么区别?

我在ASP.NNEdocumentation中遇到以下声明 ASP.NET 5:ASP.NET的下一个版本,这是用于在Windows,Linux和Mac上构建现代Web应用程序的开源Microsoft平台。 ASP.NET 5包含用于构建Web应用程序的MVC 6框架。 它将MVC,Web API和Web页面的功能集成到一个Web框架中。 ASP.NET 5还包含SignalR 3,用于向云连接的应用程序添加实时功能。 ASP.NET MVC 6:用于在ASP.NET 5平台上构建Web应用程序的框架。 它具有以前版本的ASP.NET的

Catastrophic failure when Impersonate other user

I'm use Enterprise library Validation block intergrated with WCF. It reports System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) when I impersonate some other user with WIN32 API LogonUser and WindowsIdentity.Impersonate. It seems there is something wrong when to get security evidence on loading configuration. I


我正在使用与WCF集成的企业库验证块。 它报告System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))当我使用WIN32 API LogonUser和WindowsIdentity.Impersonate冒充其他用户时System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) 。 看起来什么时候在加载