Need Clarification On Answer For Cleaning Up Excel Interop Objects Properly

In regards to the answer to the question here by Hans Passant... Clean up Excel Interop Objects with IDisposable ... He enlightened me to the fact that I don't need to follow the two dot rule... declaring all com objects so I can release via Marshal.ReleaseComObject when done with them. So now I understand I can just call GC.Collect and GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers after my Excel code and a


关于Hans Passant在这里回答这个问题......用IDisposable清理Excel Interop对象... 他启发了我,我不需要遵循两点规则......声明所有com对象,这样我可以通过Marshal.ReleaseComObject在完成时释放它们。 所以现在我明白我可以在我的Excel代码之后调用GC.Collect和GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers,并且所有对象都会正确释放。 首先,我认为这很好,并且会减少我在c#中编写的宏的长度,但是一旦我完成了它们以尽量减少宏运行时

Moq: Advanced Mock Setup

I am relatively new to Moq and have this complex case to mock and am kind of stuck. I was hoping an experienced Moq user could advice me on this: Inside my ViewModel the ctor is calling this load method: public void LoadCategories() { Categories = null; BookDataService.GetCategories(GetCategoriesCallback); } I would like to mock the Service obviously.


我对Moq比较陌生,并且有这个复杂的案例来模拟,并且有点困难。 我希望有经验的Moq用户可以就此提出建议: 在我的ViewModel中,ctor调用这个加载方法: public void LoadCategories() { Categories = null; BookDataService.GetCategories(GetCategoriesCallback); } 我想明显地嘲笑服务。 但是由于该服务的方法是无效的,并且返回总是通过回调,所以对我来说太复杂了。 private

Access violation in MSVCR80D.dll error

I need to use a DLL created using .NET framework. This DLL is made COM visible. I want to use this DLL in an application created using Delphi 2006. I have followed following steps: Registered the DLL using regscr32. Imported the type library using Delphi IDE. It created _TLB.pas file. Following signature was created in TLB file. function TValidationRequest.Process(var meterBSN: WideStr


我需要使用使用.NET框架创建的DLL。 此DLL使COM可见。 我想在使用Delphi 2006创建的应用程序中使用此DLL。我遵循以下步骤: 使用regscr32注册DLL。 使用Delphi IDE导入类型库。 它创建_TLB.pas文件。 签名后在TLB文件中创建。 function TValidationRequest.Process(var meterBSN: WideString; var NICSerial: WideString; var partNumber: WideString; var otherConfig: WideStr

What does POCO mean?

This question already has an answer here: 'POCO' definition 10 answers 简单的旧CLR对象 Based in the language you want to choose POCO means Plain Old CLR Object as Wikipedia mention or, Plain Old C++ Object as the PocoCapsule mentions it or, POrtable COmponents as the POCO Project mentions it. for what I'm concern and thing for the reason of this question, and of cours


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 'POCO'定义10个答案 简单的旧CLR对象 基于你想选择POCO的语言 普通的旧CLR对象 正如维基百科提到的那样, 普通旧C ++对象 正如PocoCapsule提到的那样, POrtable组件 正如POCO项目提到的那样。 对于我所关心的问题以及这个问题的原因,当然还有简单的说法,它是一个C ++库:) POCO C ++库旨在用于以网络为中心的跨平台C ++软件开发,Apple Cocoa用于Mac开发,或者Ruby o

Can we control type name in xsd.exe tool generated class

xsd.exe tool generates classes for given xsd file. It follows a pattern for naming the type. For example, <Students> <Student Name="A" RollNo="1" Address="Some Address"> <Department Id="20" Name="CSE"/> </Student> </Students> xsd.exe /c Students.xsd Students.cs file is generated. If we see the type for elements Element Type Name Students Studen


xsd.exe工具为给定的xsd文件生成类。 它遵循命名类型的模式。 例如, <Students> <Student Name="A" RollNo="1" Address="Some Address"> <Department Id="20" Name="CSE"/> </Student> </Students> xsd.exe /c Students.xsd 生成Students.cs文件。 如果我们看到元素的类型 Element Type Name Students Students Student StudentsStudent Department StudentsStudentD

WS service with response elements not in the XSD

We are using .NET 4.x WCF to consume a JAX-WS service. The proxy generated from the WSDL and XSD by "Add Service Reference" produces code which can correctly call the service. The service response, however, uses a root element name which is not defined in the XSD. The proxy returns a null result, presumably because the element name wasn't recognized, so the rest of the response e


我们使用.NET 4.x WCF来使用JAX-WS服务。 通过“添加服务引用”从WSDL和XSD生成的代理生成可正确调用服务的代码。 但是,服务响应使用的是未在XSD中定义的根元素名称。 代理返回空结果,大概是因为元素名称未被识别,所以其余的响应信封被忽略。 SOAP响应看起来像这样。 注意正文中的根元素名为txLife22814Type : <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> <s:Header xmln

LINQ: When to use SingleOrDefault vs. FirstOrDefault() with filtering criteria

Consider the IEnumerable extension methods SingleOrDefault() and FirstOrDefault() MSDN documents that SingleOrDefault : Returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence. whereas FirstOrDefault from MSDN (presumably when using an OrderBy() or OrderByDescending() or none at a


考虑IEnumerable扩展方法SingleOrDefault()和FirstOrDefault() MSDN文档SingleOrDefault : 返回序列的唯一元素,如果序列为空,则返回默认值; 如果序列中有多个元素,则此方法会引发异常。 而来自MSDN的FirstOrDefault (大概在使用OrderBy()或OrderByDescending()或根本不使用时), 返回序列的第一个元素 考虑一些示例查询,使用这两种方法时并不总是很清楚: var someCust = db.Customers .SingleOrDefault(c=>

EasyNetQ model shutdown

I implement a simple client to RabbitMQ, using EasyNetQ. After a connection, I get a notification "Model shutdown for queue" . Here is my code: var _bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus(String.Format("host={0}", hostName)).Advanced; var _exchange = Exchange.DeclareFanout(exName); var _queue = Queue.DeclareTransient(); _queue.BindTo(_exchange, "_"); _bus.Subscribe( _queue, (msg, properties,


我使用EasyNetQ实现了一个简单的客户端RabbitMQ。 连接后,我收到一条通知“模型关闭队列” 。 这是我的代码: var _bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus(String.Format("host={0}", hostName)).Advanced; var _exchange = Exchange.DeclareFanout(exName); var _queue = Queue.DeclareTransient(); _queue.BindTo(_exchange, "_"); _bus.Subscribe( _queue, (msg, properties, messageReceivedInfo) => { return Task.Factory.

AMQP V1.0 Client for .NET

I am looking into using a product such as RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ. I see that there is, to a certain extent, a level of support in these products for AMQP v1.0. However, I am struggling to find a client for using AMQP 1.0 with .NET. So far the only one I have come across is Apache Qpid. However, having to install all its dependencies along with building it all rather than just using something l

适用于.NET的AMQP V1.0客户端

我正在研究使用诸如RabbitMQ或ActiveMQ之类的产品。 我发现在某种程度上,这些产品对AMQP v1.0有一定程度的支持。 但是,我正在努力寻找一个使用.NET的AMQP 1.0的客户端。 到目前为止,我唯一遇到的是Apache Qpid。 然而,不得不安装所有的依赖关系,而不是仅仅使用像NuGet这样的东西来获取客户端库,这似乎有点麻烦,并且不会让我有信心支持前进。 微软Azure服务总线拥有AMQP 1.0支持,并且拥有一个客户端,但据我所知,

Entity Framework 4 Save and Cancel

I'm currently testing the entity framework 4 for a simple app I wish to build. I've searched high and low for the answer to this without any luck!! My question is how do you save and cancel changes on a record basis? Using the save changes method on the context persists all the changes to the database. Is there a way to control this? Thanks Gary You shouldn't use a singular


我目前正在测试实体框架4的一个简单的应用程序,我想建立。 我搜索了高和低的答案,没有任何运气! 我的问题是,如何在记录的基础上保存和取消更改? 在上下文中使用保存更改方法会将所有更改保留到数据库中。 有没有办法控制这个? 谢谢加里 您不应该在应用程序的生命周期中为所有操作使用单一的数据上下文。 为每个想要创建的原子操作分配一个会话(创建一个数据上下文)。 调用SaveChanges来提交操作,只需处理上