Python script appends to an existing file but stops after 8192 bytes

I have a problem with a Python program. It's a simple program that writes prime numbers to a file. I wrote it to practice Python. Everything goes fine until several hunder lines are written. Then the writing stops although the program continues to run until the highest number is reached. I debugd the program and found that the write_prime function is called for each prime number, but is


我有一个Python程序的问题。 这是一个简单的程序,将素数编写到文件中。 我写它来练习Python。 一切都很顺利,直到编写了几条hunder线。 然后,尽管程序继续运行直到达到最高编号,但写入停止。 我调试了程序,发现write_prime函数是为每个素数调用的,但是不会写入文件。 我在Linux下和Windows7下测试了这个程序,并且在两个系统上都出现了同样的问题,尽管在Windows上它写入的线较少。 之所以这样,我认为在8192个字符

Why is Python faster than C++ in this case?

A program in both Python and C++ is given below, which performs the following task: read white-space delimited words from stdin, print the unique words sorted by string length along with a count of each unique word to stdout. The format for a line of the output is: length, count, word. For exmaple, with this input file (488kB of a thesaurus) The output,

在这种情况下,为什么Python比C ++更快?

下面给出了Python和C ++中的一个程序,它执行以下任务:从标准输入读取由空格分隔的单词,按字符串长度排序的唯一字以及每个唯一字的计数输出到标准输出。 输出行的格式是:长度,计数,单词。 例如,用这个输入文件(488kB的同义词库) 格式化的输出是这样的: 1 57 " 1 1 n 1 1 ) 1 3 * 1 18 , 1 7 - 1 1 R 1 13 . 1 2 1 1 1 S 1 5 2 1 1 3 1 2 4 1 2 & 1 91 % 1 1 5 1 1 6 1

Python with Numpy/Scipy vs. Pure C++ for Big Data Analysis

Doing Python on relatively small projects makes me appreciate the dynamically typed nature of this language (no need for declaration code to keep track of types), which often makes for a quicker and less painful development process along the way. However, I feel that in much larger projects this may actually be a hindrance, as the code would run slower than say, its equivalent in C++. But then

Python与Numpy / Scipy与纯C ++的大数据分析

在相对较小的项目上执行Python使我明白这种语言的动态类型性质(不需要声明代码来跟踪类型),这通常会使开发过程更快,更不痛苦。 不过,我觉得在更大的项目中,这可能实际上是一个障碍,因为代码运行速度比说C ++的速度慢。 但是,再次,使用Numpy和/或Python与Scipy可能会使您的代码运行速度与原生C ++程序(C ++中的代码有时需要更长的开发时间)一样快。 在阅读Justin Peel对线程“Python比C ++更快,更轻?”的评论后,

How to get line count cheaply in Python?

I need to get a line count of a large file (hundreds of thousands of lines) in python. What is the most efficient way both memory- and time-wise? At the moment I do: def file_len(fname): with open(fname) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass return i + 1 is it possible to do any better? You can't get any better than that. After all, any solution will have t


我需要在python中获得一个大文件(数十万行)的行数。 什么是记忆和时间最有效的方式? 目前我这样做: def file_len(fname): with open(fname) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass return i + 1 有没有可能做得更好? 你不能比这更好。 毕竟,任何解决方案都必须读取整个文件,找出有多少n ,并返回该结果。 没有阅读整个文件,你有没有更好的方法呢? 不确定...最好的解决方案将永

Seaborn bug? Inconsistent in heatmap plotting

This code: %matplotlib inline #import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns #; sns.set() flights = sns.load_dataset("flights") flights = flights.pivot("month", "year", "passengers") sns.heatmap(flights, annot=True, linewidths=.2, fmt="d") Will get a result looks like the official result (See/verify it here): However, if I disable

Seaborn的bug? 在热图绘图中不一致

此代码: %matplotlib inline #import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns #; sns.set() flights = sns.load_dataset("flights") flights = flights.pivot("month", "year", "passengers") sns.heatmap(flights, annot=True, linewidths=.2, fmt="d") 将得到一个看起来像官方结果的结果(请参阅/在此验证): 但是,如果禁用内联绘图并启用则

SaltStack: Properties (computed values) for data from SLS files?

We run several Python virtual environments on our minions managed by salt. The name of the system is build by this schema: project_customer_stage Example: supercms_favoritcustomer_p The pillar data: systems: - customer: favoritcustomer project: supercms stage: p - customer: favoritcustomer project: supercms stage: q For every virtualenv we have one linux user. Up to


我们在由盐管理的我们的爪牙上运行多个Python虚拟环境。 系统的名称由该模式构建而成: project_customer_stage 例: supercms_favoritcustomer_p 支柱数据: systems: - customer: favoritcustomer project: supercms stage: p - customer: favoritcustomer project: supercms stage: q 对于每个virtualenv我们都有一个linux用户。 到目前为止,我们计算像“home”这样的值: {% for system in pil

Patsy: New levels in categorical fields in test data

I am trying to use Patsy (with sklearn, pandas) for creating a simple regression model. The R style formula creation is a major draw. My data contains a field called ' ship_city ' which can have any city from India. Since I am partitioning the data into train and test sets, there are several cities which appear only in one of the sets. A code snippet is given below: df_train_Y, df_t


我试图用Patsy(与sklearn,pandas)创建一个简单的回归模型。 R风格的配方创作是一个主要的吸引力。 我的数据包含一个名为' ship_city '的字段,它可以来自印度的任何城市。 由于我将数据划分为火车和测试集,因此有几个城市只出现在其中一组中。 代码片段如下: df_train_Y, df_train_X = dmatrices(formula, data=df_train, return_type='dataframe') df_train_Y_design_info, df_train_X_design_info = df_trai

Algorithm to find best strategy for placing blocks

This game has a grid size 8x8. At the beginning of each round the player draws 3 blocks at random he must place on the grid. Placing a block is worth its area in points, and completing a row or column is worth 80 points, and that row or column is cleared from the board. The blocks do not move down after squares are cleared like in tetris. If no more blocks can be placed, the game is over. T


这款游戏的网格尺寸为8x8。 在每轮开始时,玩家随机抽取3个方块,他必须放在网格上。 放置一个块值得分,并且完成一行或一列的值为80分,并且该行或列从板上清除。 正方形像俄罗斯方块一样清除后,块不会向下移动。 如果没有更多的块可以放置,游戏结束。 游戏的目标是最大化你的分数。 例: 示例视频 我希望创建一个程序,在为用户提供三个块的情况下,可以找到放置块的最佳策略。 目前,我有代码来创建网格和块

Django Rest API POST issues

I'm trying to build a very simple REST API in Django 1.8 with Django REST Framework in Visual Studio, in which I want to have a single service method to process a JSON, but I can't seem to make a POST: I'm trying to send this simple JSON through Postman, just as a test: { "foo":"bar" } with the header: Content-Type: application/json Here's my method: @csrf_exempt @api_vi

Django Rest API POST问题

我试图在Django 1.8中使用Django REST Framework在Visual Studio中构建一个非常简单的REST API,其中我想要一个服务方法来处理JSON,但我似乎无法创建POST: 我试图通过邮差发送这个简单的JSON,就像一个测试: { "foo":"bar" } 与标题: Content-Type: application/json 这是我的方法: @csrf_exempt @api_view(['POST']) def test(request): data = return HttpResponse(status=200) 但我的问

How can modify in django REST framework

I am using Django REST Framework = '{"id": "10", "user": "tom"}' I want to add extra attribute like "age": "30" before sending it to further like = new_data response = super().post(request, *args, **kwargs) I have two issues Why is coming as string rather than dict How can i update the It looks like a json s

如何在django REST框架中修改

我正在使用Django REST框架 = '{"id": "10", "user": "tom"}' 我想添加额外的属性,如"age": "30"然后再发送它 = new_data response = super().post(request, *args, **kwargs) 我有两个问题 为什么request.data是以字符串而不是字典的形式出现的 我如何更新 它看起来像一个JSON字符串。 要将其转换为字典,您应该这样做: import json data = js