Feature Detection in OpenCV Python Bindings

I've combed the web looking for a way to get the OpenCV 2.3.1a feature extraction/descriptor bindings to spit out any flavor of image features/descriptors(STAR/SURF/ORB/SIFT/FAST). I am well aware that OpenCV has a method called "goodFeaturesToTrack. This doesn't help me as there are no feature descriptors (which is what I really need). I have followed the documentation as listed he

OpenCV Python绑定中的特征检测

我已经梳理了网络,寻找一种方法来获得OpenCV 2.3.1a特征提取/描述符绑定,以便吐出任何图像特征/描述符(STAR / SURF / ORB / SIFT / FAST)。 我很清楚OpenCV有一个名为“goodFeaturesToTrack”的方法,这对我没有帮助,因为没有特征描述符(这是我真正需要的),我遵循了这里列出的文档: http://opencv.itseez.com/modules/features2d/doc/feature_detection_and_description.html 似乎没有任何工作。 我已经尝试了描述

How can I find contours inside ROI using opencv and Python?

Im trying to find contours in a specific area of the image. Is it possible to just show the contours inside the ROI and not the contours in the rest of the image? I read in another similar post that I should use a mask, but I dont think I used it correctly. Im new to openCV and Python, so any help is much appriciated. import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture('size4.avi') x, y, w,


我试图在图像的特定区域找到轮廓。 是否有可能只显示ROI内的轮廓,而不显示图像其余部分的轮廓? 我在另一篇类似的文章中读到,我应该使用一个面具,但我不认为我正确使用它。 我新来openCV和Python,所以任何帮助都非常appriciated。 import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture('size4.avi') x, y, w, h= 150, 50, 400 ,350 roi = (x, y, w, h) while(True): ret, frame = cap.read() gray = cv2.cvt

Comparing the modules in Python. OK, but why?

I was going through a question in Checkio. And then i came across this. import re,math re > math # returns True math > re # returns False Can someone explain how Python compares between ANY two THINGS. Does python does this thing by providing a hierarchy for modules. Furthermore, re > 1 # return True # Ok, But Why? I would really appreciate some deep explanations on these things!

比较Python中的模块。 好,但是为什么?

我在Checkio遇到一个问题。 然后我遇到了这个。 import re,math re > math # returns True math > re # returns False 有人可以解释Python如何比较任何两件事情。 python是否通过为模块提供层次结构来完成这件事情? 此外, re > 1 # return True # Ok, But Why? 我真的很感激这些事情的一些深刻的解释! Everthing是一个对象。 模块也不例外。 因此: import re, math print(id(re), id(math)) print(re

Selenium give file name when downloading

I am working with a selenium script where I am trying to download a Excel file and give it a specific name. This is my code: Is there anyway that I can give the file being downloaded a specific name ? Code: #!/usr/bin/python from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile profile = FirefoxProfile() profile.set_preference("browser.helperA


我正在使用一个硒脚本,我试图下载一个Excel文件并给它一个特定的名称。 这是我的代码: 无论如何,我可以给文件下载一个特定的名称? 码: #!/usr/bin/python from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile profile = FirefoxProfile() profile.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "text/plain, application/vnd.ms-excel, text/csv, t

How to modify text that matches a particular regular expression in Python?

I need to mark negative contexts in a sentence. The algorithm goes as follows: Detect a negator (not/never/ain't/don't/ etc) Detect a clause ending punctuation (.;:!?) Add _NEG to all the words in between this. Now, I have defined a regex to pick out all such occurences: def replacenegation(text): match=re.search(r"((b(never|no|nothing|nowhere|noone|none|not|havent|hasnt|had


我需要在句子中标记负面语境。 算法如下: 检测一个否定器(不/从不/不/不/等) 检测结束标点符号的句子(。;:!?) 将_NEG添加到这之间的所有单词。 现在,我已经定义了一个正则表达式来挑选所有这些事件: def replacenegation(text): match=re.search(r"((b(never|no|nothing|nowhere|noone|none|not|havent|hasnt|hadnt|cant|couldnt|shouldnt|wont|wouldnt|dont|doesnt|didnt|isnt|arent|aint)b)|bw+n'tb)((

Custom JSONEncoder for requests.post

I'm writing wrapper for REST API and use requests module. Method .json() of Response object transfers **kwargs to json.loads() function, so I can easily use custom JSON decoder and, ie transparently convert UNIX epoch timestamps to datetime.datetime objects. Is there any way to use custom JSON encoder with Request object? Seems I can only use parameter json, but can't find how to use


我正在为REST API编写包装并使用请求模块。 方法.json()响应对象转移**kwargs到json.loads()函数,所以可以很容易地使用自定义JSON解码器和,即透明UNIX纪元时间戳转换为datetime.datetime对象。 有什么方法可以将自定义JSON编码器与Request对象一起使用吗? 似乎我只能使用参数json,但无法找到如何使用自定义JSON编码器。 从alecxe提供的链接(https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/2755)中提取答案,不支

Try statement syntax

I have been reading python documentation , could someone help me with interpreting this? try_stmt ::= try1_stmt | try2_stmt try1_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite ("except" [expression [("as" | ",") identifier]] ":" suite)+ ["else" ":" suite] ["finally" ":" suite] try2_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite "finally" ":" suite I initially thought it mean


我一直在阅读python文档,有人可以帮我解释这个吗? try_stmt ::= try1_stmt | try2_stmt try1_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite ("except" [expression [("as" | ",") identifier]] ":" suite)+ ["else" ":" suite] ["finally" ":" suite] try2_stmt ::= "try" ":" suite "finally" ":" suite 我最初认为这意味着尝试声明必须具有任何格式 try finally或 try

Merging two strings that overlap

I am looking into trying to create a full address, but the data I have comes in the form of: Line 1 | Line 2 | Postcode 1, First Street, City, X13 1, First Street First Street, City X13 1 1, First Street, City, X13 X13 There are a few other permutations of how this data is created, but I want to be able to me


我正在试图创建一个完整的地址,但我的数据来自以下形式: Line 1 | Line 2 | Postcode 1, First Street, City, X13 1, First Street First Street, City X13 1 1, First Street, City, X13 X13 关于如何创建这些数据还有其他一些排列,但我希望能够将所有这些数据合并为一个没有重叠的字符串。 所以我想创建字符串: 1, First Str

Don't Allow Website automated Redirect Scrapy

I am really sorry if the question is incomplete or unhelpful. I am slightly new at this. I just started using scrapy for scraping data. The issue that I am facing at the moment is: when i try to scrape data, a website redirect's me to a particular page. I intend to stop the website from redirecting to that particular page. To be honest i am not sure if it's even possible or not.


如果问题不完整或无益,我真的很抱歉。 我在这方面略有新意。 我刚开始使用Scrapy来抓取数据。 我目前面临的问题是:当我尝试抓取数据时,网站会将我重定向到特定页面。 我打算阻止网站重定向到特定页面。 说实话,我不确定这是否可能。 我到目前为止所尝试的是: 在重定向之后,从那里使用提供的href链接转到所需的页面。在这种情况下,问题是该网站遵循一个循环并将我重定向回到同一页面。 REDIRECT_ENABLED =设

How to redirect twice in Django?

So I have a main page (/Main), and a page that allows users to get in touch with me (lets call it /Contact). After users submit the form successfully in Contact, I want to redirect them to Main and show a small box at the top of the page that says "form submitted successfully". I've been able to do this, by redirecting to a URL that looks something like /Main/Success which is bas


所以我有一个主页面(/ Main)和一个允许用户与我联系的页面(让我们称它/联系人)。 用户在联系人中成功提交表单后,我想将它们重定向到Main并在页面顶部显示一个小框,表示“表单已成功提交”。 我已经能够做到这一点,通过重定向到一个类似于/ Main / Success的URL,这个URL基本上是一个传入了成功参数的主视图。 问题是,我不希望用户浏览器中的URL显示/ Main / Success。 我希望它在URL地址框中看起来像/ Main,即使用