Overriding css with jquery/javascript

I have a table whose border is set as 1px solid silver from an external style sheet(some .css file). I have no control over this file. This is the css: my_table tbody td { font: 8.5pt verdana, sans-serif; border-top: solid 1px silver; border-bottom: solid 1px silver; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px 3px 0px 2px; } Now I want to change the border color of the last row in the table to black

用jquery / javascript重写css

我有一个表格的边框被设置为1px固体银从外部样式表(一些.css文件)。 我无法控制这个文件。 这是css:my_table tbody td {font:8.5pt verdana,sans-serif; 边框:固体1像素银; 边框底部:实心1px银; 溢出:隐藏; padding:0px 3px 0px 2px; } 现在我想将表格中最后一行的边框颜色改为黑色。 我试图使用下面的这个jQuery语句。 $('#table_1 tr:last').css('border', '1px solid black'); 但这似乎并不奏效。 我

Can jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element?

Is there a way in jQuery to get all CSS from an existing element and apply it to another without listing them all? I know it would work if they were a style attribute with attr() , but all of my styles are in an external style sheet. A couple years late, but here is a solution that retrieves both inline styling and external styling: function css(a) { var sheets = document.styleSheets, o


有没有办法在jQuery中从现有元素获取所有CSS并将其应用到另一个,而无需全部列出它们? 我知道如果它们是attr()的样式属性,但我的所有样式都在外部样式表中,它就会工作。 迟了几年,但这里有一个解决方案可以检索内联样式和外部样式: function css(a) { var sheets = document.styleSheets, o = {}; for (var i in sheets) { var rules = sheets[i].rules || sheets[i].cssRules; for (var r in

How to incoparate or implement a DOM API to v8?

I am writing a server application that is able to manipulate the DOM before it is served to the client. I am using C++ and Google's v8 as a javascript engine but I don't see any DOM API in v8. Is there an open source implementation for doing DOM manipulation on HTML? If not how would you implement one? The DOM is created and linked to the V8 engine in Chrome. The V8 sources know

如何增加或实现一个DOM API到v8?

我正在编写一个服务器应用程序,它能够在向客户端提供服务之前操作DOM。 我使用C ++和Google的v8作为JavaScript引擎,但在v8中没有看到任何DOM API。 有没有一个开源的实现在HTML上进行DOM操作? 如果不是,你会如何执行一个? DOM在Chrome中创建并链接到V8引擎。 V8资源对浏览器DOM一无所知。 为你工作的最快捷方式是尝试提取将HTML加载到结构中的Chrome(真正的Chromium)部分以及将DOM和DOM方法链接到V8的部分。

iPhone webapp design

In my iPhone webapp, I have a blank div and I add things to it dynamically using: var example=$(document.createElement('which-ever-tag i need')); example.html('blah blah') blank_div.append(example); This way I can add and remove elements as I need. example.remove(); I recently thought though, I can also do it this way from my initial HTML page: <div id='homepage'> place some conte


在我的iPhone Web应用程序中,我有一个空白的div,并使用以下方法动态添加内容: var example=$(document.createElement('which-ever-tag i need')); example.html('blah blah') blank_div.append(example); 这样我可以根据需要添加和删除元素。 example.remove(); 我最近认为,我也可以从我的最初的HTML页面这样做: <div id='homepage'> place some content in here </div> <div id='second_page'>

Move items in Ul Li up and down

I have a Ul li and on click of a Up and Down buttons I want to move to move the li elements up and down. Here is the html that is rendered on the page. I already tried the solution mentioned in the link Can I use jQuery to easily shift li elements up or down? but it didn't work for me. <ul id="ul_li_SubCategories" style="width:200px;" class="chargeCapturetable margin0"> &

上下移动UI Li中的物品

我有一个UI li,点击向上和向下按钮,我想要移动li元素上下移动。 这是在页面上呈现的html。 我已经尝试了链接中提到的解决方案我可以使用jQuery轻松地将li元素向上或向下移动吗? 但它不适合我。 <ul id="ul_li_SubCategories" style="width:200px;" class="chargeCapturetable margin0"> <li sequence="1" title="Category 1" class="liEllipsis" value="9"><a href="#"><span class="view

Jquery move element from a div to another

I have two lists: the first one is displayed on the left and the second on the right. I want that if I click on an element in the left, he is removed and he is prepended to the right list (and the opposite action) This is my html: <div class="cont"> <div id="groupL" class="innDiv"> <div id="1" class="aaaL">Value 1</div> <div id="2" class="aaaL">


我有两个列表:第一个列表显示在左侧,第二个列在右侧。 我想要的是,如果我点击左边的一个元素,他将被删除,并且他被预先添加到右边的列表中(以及相反的动作) 这是我的html: <div class="cont"> <div id="groupL" class="innDiv"> <div id="1" class="aaaL">Value 1</div> <div id="2" class="aaaL">Value 2</div> </div> <div id="groupR" clas

Move div element from one parent div to another

So let's assume that I have a set of nested divs: <div id="likelyToBeCalled"> <div id="likelyOddHeader" class="row"> <div id="likelyOddA" class="left" name="test1">Test1</div> <div id="LikelyOddB" class="middle"><img src="image002.png"/></div> <div id="timeZone" class="right">West</div> </div> and fu


所以我们假设我有一组嵌套的div: <div id="likelyToBeCalled"> <div id="likelyOddHeader" class="row"> <div id="likelyOddA" class="left" name="test1">Test1</div> <div id="LikelyOddB" class="middle"><img src="image002.png"/></div> <div id="timeZone" class="right">West</div> </div> 并进一步在页面下方: <di

jQuery Move div into another div

I need to move .link-field-first-ticket-button inside .event-location-one here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ksV73/ It's a cms so I have no choice in the matter. this is what I'm trying, it's not doing much of anything $(".widget-upcoming-events-blog li").each( function() { var links = $(this).children(".link-field-first-ticket-button").html(); $(this).childre


我需要将.link-field-first-ticket-button移动到.event-location-one中 这里是小提琴:http://jsfiddle.net/ksV73/ 这是一个CMS,所以我在这件事上没有选择。 这是我正在尝试的,它没有做任何事情 $(".widget-upcoming-events-blog li").each( function() { var links = $(this).children(".link-field-first-ticket-button").html(); $(this).children(".link-field-first-ticket-button").html(""); $(th

Move div to certain table cell according to random number

This question already has an answer here: How to move an element into another element? 12 answers Well, first of all this question has been already asked and answered on SO and table cells are just the same as usual elements :) Since you're using jQuery anyway, you can use .detach() var element = $('td:eq(0) span').detach(); $('td:eq(1)').append(element); Here's a jsfiddle. Or,


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何将元素移动到另一个元素中? 12个答案 那么,首先这个问题已经在SO上提出并得到解答,表格单元格与通常的元素一样:) 既然你使用jQuery,你可以使用.detach() var element = $('td:eq(0) span').detach(); $('td:eq(1)').append(element); 这是一个jsfiddle。 或者,正如在这个答案中提出的那样,您可以使用本地js解决方案。

How to append anchor tag from one place to another?

This question already has an answer here: How to move an element into another element? 12 answers Or simply $('.diagram').append($('.uploadedfiles').removeAttr('class')) If you have many link to append to diagram div you could use $('.uploadedfiles').each(function(){ $(this).appendTo('.diagram').removeAttr('class') }) document.getElementsByClassName("diagram")[0].innerHTML+='<a hre


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何将元素移动到另一个元素中? 12个答案 或者干脆 $('.diagram').append($('.uploadedfiles').removeAttr('class')) 如果你有很多链接来附加到图表div你可以使用 $('.uploadedfiles').each(function(){ $(this).appendTo('.diagram').removeAttr('class') }) document.getElementsByClassName("diagram")[0].innerHTML+='<a href="www.google.com">File</a>'; 我会推荐