Using .NET XmlSerializer for xml with different polymorphic roots

I have XML docs with different roots coming from one source. I have a XSD schema just like described in this question, with the abstract='true' root element 'BaseElem' of a Base type, plus additional root elements Elem1, Elem2, ... that extend the Base type and use substitutionGroup='BaseElement' attribute. xsd.exe generates BaseElem and the derived Elem1, Elem2, ... cl

将.NET XmlSerializer用于具有不同多态根的xml

我有来自不同根源的XML文档。 我有一个XSD模式,就像这个问题中所描述的那样,具有Base类型的abstract ='true'根元素'BaseElem',以及扩展Base类型并使用substitutionGroup ='的其他根元素Elem1,Elem2,... BaseElement'属性。 xsd.exe生成BaseElem和派生的Elem1,Elem2,...类,只有派生类具有[XmlRootAttribute]。 我想使用内置的XmlSerializer来序列化和反序列化生成的对象。 <Elem1>...

With Windows Azure Tools, why do I receive Invalid access to memory location?

I have the following installed: Visual Studio 2010 Windows Azure Tools, v1.5 Windows Azure SDK, v1.5 When I attempt to debug a "Web Role", I receive the following error: "Windows Azure Tools: Invalid access to memory location" This shows up in the "General" output of Visual Studio. When this happens, it cancels the build/debugging session. This does not h

使用Windows Azure工具,为什么我会收到对内存位置的无效访问?

我有以下安装: Visual Studio 2010 Windows Azure Tools,v1.5 Windows Azure SDK v1.5 当我尝试调试“Web角色”时,出现以下错误:“Windows Azure工具:对内存位置的访问无效” 这显示在Visual Studio的“常规”输出中。 发生这种情况时,它会取消构建/调试会话。 这不会每次都发生。 如果我再试一次,它可能会奏效。 内存看起来像这样: 总计:8061 缓存:969 可用:1468 免费:524 大约81%在使用中。

Why don't COM object use IDisposable?

为什么COM对象在CLR Callable Wrappers中不使用IDisposable? Presumably such an IDisposable implementation would call Marshal.ReleaseComObject. There are cases where calling Marshal.ReleaseComObject is a good idea, for example to get an Office application to quit after automation from a .NET client. But as the documentation for Marshal.ReleaseComObject states, it should not be used in the genera


为什么COM对象在CLR Callable Wrappers中不使用IDisposable? 据推测,这样的IDisposable实现将调用Marshal.ReleaseComObject。 在某些情况下,调用Marshal.ReleaseComObject是一个好主意,例如,让.NET应用程序在.NET客户端自动执行后退出。 但是,正如Marshal.ReleaseComObject的文档所述,它不应​​该在一般情况下使用 - 并且可能根本不用于进程内COM对象。 这里有一个博客文章,提供一些更详细的信息。 因此,鼓励人们

ASP.NET Membership & Role

I'm developing a blogging engine with ASP.NET & C# . the main solution consists of several projects as listed below DomainModel : domain entities and interfaces for repositories AppService : application services, view model mappers, messages, etc. Repositories : EF Repository, XML Repository, Stub Repository Presentation : implements the MVP pattern (views, presenters, interfaces


我正在开发一个带有ASP.NET和C#的博客引擎。 主要解决方案由以下几个项目组成 DomainModel :存储库的域实体和接口 AppService :应用程序服务,查看模型映射器,消息等 Repositories :EF知识库,XML知识库,存根知识库 Presentation :实现MVP模式(视图,演示者,界面) 目前用户端项目是一个WebForms Web应用程序,并且该项目几乎完成。 最后一件事是将整个系统与ASP.NET Membership集成在一起。 有两件事情需

Few Questions to Memory management in .net

I have read some Ideas about memory management in .net but following three question are unanswered to me Unmanaged resources gets memory in same managed heap used for managed resources and who allocates it (OS OR CLR OR Anything else)? Does calling Dispose() method on managed resource R, will immediately release memory occupied by this R and all other unmanaged resources occupied by R Who C


我已经阅读了一些关于.net内存管理的想法,但是以下三个问题没有回答给我 非托管资源获取用于托管资源的相同托管堆中的内存以及谁分配它(OS或CLR或其他)? 在托管资源R上调用Dispose()方法是否会立即释放由此R占用的内存以及由R占用的所有其他非托管资源 谁清除非管理资源占用的内存(OS或CLR或其他)。 欢迎任何帮助。 1)。 创建非托管资源的代码。 例如,Win32文件句柄由OS内核分配。 2)。 这取决于执行D

Managed vs Unmanaged Resources in .NET. What's the difference?

I was reading Wrox's Professional C# 4 and .NET 4 chapter on "Memory Management and Pointers", specifically about how Garbage Collection works in .NET. It said the reason that "the garbage collector does not know how to free unmanaged resources (such as file handles, network connections, and database connections)", which is why such classes should either declare a destruc

.NET中的托管与非托管资源 有什么不同?

我正在阅读有关“内存管理和指针”的Wrox专业C#4和.NET 4章节,特别是关于垃圾收集如何在.NET中工作的内容。 它说“垃圾收集器不知道如何释放非托管资源(如文件句柄,网络连接和数据库连接)”,这就是为什么这样的类应该声明析构函数(又名“终结器”)或实现IDisposable 。 看起来,所有这些“非托管资源”的例子都涉及到与应用程序中的外部系统的交互,并且独立于.NET Framework。 但是,我不确定这是否是完全的区别,所以,

Inheriting from List<T> in .NET (vb or C#)

I have been delved in C++ world for a while, but now I'm in .NET world again, VB and C# and I wondered if you have a class that represents a collection of something, and you want the ability to use this in a foreach loop, etc... is it better to implement IEnumerable and IEnumerator yourself or should you inherit from the List<T> where T is the object type in it's singular form? I

在.NET(vb或C#)中继承List <T>

我已经在C ++世界中进行了一段时间的研究,但现在我再次进入.NET世界,VB和C#,我想知道你是否有一个代表某个东西集合的类,并且你希望能够在foreach循环等...是自己实现IEnumerable和IEnumerator更好还是应该从List<T>继承,其中T是单数形式的对象类型? 我知道在C ++中,从容器继承是一个坏主意。 但是.NET呢。 编辑: 看来我的问题有些误解。 我对.NET中现有的集合并不感到不满。 这是我的问题,我有一个名

Question inheriting from List(of T) class

I want to implement a priority queue class. When an item is added at a higher priority it is pushed to the front of the queue instead adding to the end of queue. Simple few lines of code Public Class PriorityQueue(Of T) Inherits List(Of T) Private _list As New List(Of T) Public Sub Enque(ByVal item As T, Optional ByVal pushToFront As Boolean = False) If pushToFront = Tru


我想实现一个优先级队列类。 当一个项目以更高的优先级被添加时,它被推到队列的前面,而不是添加到队列的末尾。 简单的几行代码 Public Class PriorityQueue(Of T) Inherits List(Of T) Private _list As New List(Of T) Public Sub Enque(ByVal item As T, Optional ByVal pushToFront As Boolean = False) If pushToFront = True Then _list.Insert(0, item) Else

implementing IDictionary interface in

I'm trying to implement IDictionary interface in, but getting an error. Please help me on the same. Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class DataDictionary Implements IDictionary(Of String, Object) Private _ce As CalcEngine.CalcEngine Private _dct As Dictionary(Of String, Object) Public Sub New(ByVal ce As CalcEngine.CalcEngine) _ce = ce _dct = New Dictionary(Of Stri


我试图在VB.net中实现IDictionary接口,但得到一个错误。 请帮助我一样。 Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class DataDictionary Implements IDictionary(Of String, Object) Private _ce As CalcEngine.CalcEngine Private _dct As Dictionary(Of String, Object) Public Sub New(ByVal ce As CalcEngine.CalcEngine) _ce = ce _dct = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)() End Sub #Region "IDictionar

Panel not scrolling to focused control when input panel opens

Working on a Windows Mobile 6.5 application and having an issue that I would think would be handled automatically. I have a panel on the form and have it's AutoScroll property set to true. Have a textbox that shows an inputpanel on focus. For testing, I place the textbox outside of the visible panel to force the scrollbar. Clicking in the textbox pops the inputpanel which in it's Enab


在Windows Mobile 6.5应用程序上工作并遇到我认为会自动处理的问题。 我在窗体上有一个面板,并将AutoScroll属性设置为true。 有一个显示焦点上的输入面板的文本框。 为了进行测试,我将文本框放置在可见面板之外以强制滚动条。 在文本框中单击,弹出其中EnabledChanged事件调整面板大小的输入面板。 由于将焦点设置为可见区域之外的控件强制面板滚动(我已经测试过,它按预期工作),我期望当面板调整大小时,它将滚动到聚