mysqli issue getting connected

I'm trying to get connect to my data base and having issues with it all. Im getting this error on my while statement while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given How do I fix that? and this error on line 56 Fatal error: Call to a member function close() on a non-object $result->close(); Never worked wit


我正尝试连接到我的数据库并遇到问题。 我得到这个错误在我的while语句while($ row = mysqli_fetch_array($ result))警告:mysqli_fetch_array()期望参数1是mysqli_result,布尔给定如何解决这个问题? 和第56行的这个错误致命错误:调用一个非对象$ result-> close()的成员函数close(); 之前请不要与mysqli一起工作,请帮助强化我的代码,以便它能正常工作。 <?php $mysqli = new mysqli("hostedres


Possible Duplicate: Warning: mysql_fetch_* expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given error I'm getting this error message: Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:xampphtdocs... It only happens when the page loads for first time. (but used to happen if button clicked with no data in form - resolved with javascript validation) Can an


可能重复: 警告:mysql_fetch_ *期望参数1是资源,布尔给定错误 我收到以下错误消息:警告:mysql_fetch_array()期望参数1是资源,在C: xampp htdocs中给出的布尔值... 它只发生在第一次加载页面时。 (但过去发生,如果按钮点击没有数据的形式 - 解决与JavaScript验证) 有谁能告诉我我要去哪里吗? 第49行有错误,是..... while($ row = mysql_fetch_array($ result)) <?php $host="localhost"; // Host

Warning: mysql

Possible Duplicate: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select I am receiving the below message when I run this script: Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in /var/www/html/toolkit/routing.php on line 12 I have ran the query in the mysql console and it prints the correct row. Not sure why I cant get it to show u


可能重复: mysql_fetch_array()期望参数1是资源,布尔在select中给出 我在运行此脚本时收到以下消息: 警告:mysql_fetch_row()期望参数1是资源,字符串在12行/var/www/html/toolkit/routing.php中给出 我已经在mysql控制台中运行了查询并打印了正确的行。 不知道为什么我不能让它显示在PHP中? routing.php页面: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ////error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

Warning: mysql

Possible Duplicate: PHP: Warning: sort() expects parameter 1 to be array, resource given The error is "Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in [...] on line 39", line 39 is "$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);". I'm freaking out, what's wrong with it? mysql_query failed and returned FALSE in $result . You should check t


可能重复: PHP:警告:sort()期望参数1是数组,给定资源 错误是“警告:mysql_fetch_array()期望参数1是资源,在第39行给出的布尔值”,第39行是“$ row = mysql_fetch_array($ result);”。 我吓坏了,它有什么问题? mysql_query失败,并在$result返回FALSE 。 你应该检查返回值: $id = mysql_real_escape_string($GET["id"]); if ($result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Setting WHERE ID = '$id'")) $row =

Warning: mysql

Possible Duplicate: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select code- $q="SELECT * FROM tbl_quevote WHERE que_id = '".$qid."' and voteby='".$uid."'"; $result = $mysqli->query($q) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli)); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo $num_rows; Error: Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in C:xa


可能重复: mysql_fetch_array()期望参数1是资源,布尔在select中给出 码- $q="SELECT * FROM tbl_quevote WHERE que_id = '".$qid."' and voteby='".$uid."'"; $result = $mysqli->query($q) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli)); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo $num_rows; 错误:警告:mysql_num_rows()期望参数1是资源,在第13行的C: xampp htdocs shizin voting.php中给出的对象 how to check r

Case Sensitive issue of tables in different server

I am working in three different servers which are unix/windows/unix. case-1 : In my loacl server which is unix I have one table name Country_master and its fields pk_CountryId, CountryName etc. case-2 :In my Demo server which is window table name changed automatically to country_master. case-3 :In my Live server which is unix table name country_master. But in my code table name i taken is


我在三个不同的服务器上工作,它们是unix / windows / unix。 case-1 :在我的loacl服务器是unix我有一个表名Country_master及其字段pk_CountryId,CountryName等 case-2 :在我的Demo服务器中,窗口名称自动更改为country_master。 case-3 :在我的Live服务器是unix表名country_master。 但在我的代码表名称是Country_master,所以它给了我这样的错误 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQ

mysql case sensitive table names in queries

I have php code where first letter of database table names is in capital letter every where but table names in database are in lowercase. What global setting should I use so that no need to change in every code file for making table names in same case as in database. MySQL metadata is case sensitive by default on Linux. That is if you have a table my_table, in lower case, then select * from


我有php代码,数据库表名的第一个字母是大写字母,而数据库中的表名都是小写字母。 我应该使用什么样的全局设置,以便不必在每个代码文件中更改与数据库中相同大小写的表名。 MySQL元数据在Linux上默认是区分大小写的。 那就是如果你有一张表my_table,那么小写 select * from my_table 将会成功 select * from MY_TABLE 会失败,某种表不存在消息。 如果你希望这两个语句都能成功,你需要在你的/etc/my.cnf文件或者

White screen of death codeigniter Error Reporting ON

There are several of these post on stack overflow but none of them have helped me yet. I am running a CodeIgniter install and I am getting a white screen of death on every function I try and run and it errors out with a white screen of death. So just so everyone knows errors are on. I have php.ini set to E_ALL, and DISPLAY_ERRORS = TRUE and I also have error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display


有几个帖子在堆栈溢出,但他们都没有帮助我。 我正在运行一个CodeIgniter安装程序,并且我正在尝试运行的每个函数都会出现死亡白屏,并且会出现白屏死机错误。 所以大家都知道错误在发生。 我有php.ini设置为E_ALL,DISPLAY_ERRORS = TRUE,我也有 error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',TRUE); 粘贴在index.php和控制器本身,因为我读过几个SO帖子。 这里有个问题,我有一个叫做视频的控制器和一个名为test的

php oci

I am using php_oci8 module with codeigniter to fetch data from Oracle. When I fetch a data set > 80,000 records the browser runs for about 20 seconds then stops with no error message just a white screen. The connection is working just fine for small to medium queries <50,000 records. I have set error_reporting(E_ALL); If I was running out of memory, I would expect PHP to throw an er

php oci

我使用php_oci8模块和codeigniter从Oracle获取数据。 当我获取大于80,000条记录的数据集时,浏览器运行约20秒,然后停下来,没有任何错误消息,只是一个白色屏幕。 对于小到中等查询<50,000条记录,连接工作得很好。 我已经设置了error_reporting(E_ALL); 如果我的内存不足,我期望PHP会抛出一个错误,但PHP日志也显示没有错误。


I've looked around at a few different postings but haven't been able to find an answer to my problem. Recently I realized I wasn't using E_STRICT in my error_reporting, so I added error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT) and have been going through debugging errors that I find. The problem I am facing now is with error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT) some of the pages won't load at all, I


我环顾了几个不同的帖子,但一直未能找到我的问题的答案。 最近我意识到我没有在我的error_reporting中使用E_STRICT,所以我添加了error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT),并且经历了我找到的调试错误。 我现在面临的问题是使用error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT),一些页面根本无法加载,我给出了一个没有错误的白色屏幕,并且没有关于错误的信息。 如果我只使用error_reporting(E_ALL)从error_reporting加载罚款.. 我