ZF2 log curl requests

I need to catch all curl request that application makes during the execution and show them in a new tab in ZF Developer Tools toolbar. I created a collector for the ZF Developer Toolbar, but dont now how to catch all curl requests that application makes during the execution and log them. After some research I don't think that there is a general solution for all curl requests (fe requests


我需要捕获应用程序在执行过程中产生的所有curl请求,并将它们显示在ZF Developer Tools工具栏的新选项卡中。 我为ZF Developer Toolbar创建了一个收集器,但现在不知道如何捕获应用程序在执行过程中所做的所有curl请求并记录它们。 经过一番研究后,我认为对于所有curl请求(某些第三方库的fe请求)都没有一个通用的解决方案。 如果我错了,请告诉我。 正如你所提到的,你可以编写自己的连接器/服务来记录你自己的请求。

Testing for SQL injection but resulting in error?

This question already has an answer here: How does the SQL injection from the “Bobby Tables” XKCD comic work? 12 answers $sql="SELECT username from `members` where password = :mypassword"; // Create prepared statement $stm = $db->prepare($sql); $stm->bindParam(':mypassword', $ans, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stm->execute(); echo $stm->fetchColumn();


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 来自“Bobby Tables”XKCD漫画的SQL注入是如何工作的? 12个答案 $sql="SELECT username from `members` where password = :mypassword"; // Create prepared statement $stm = $db->prepare($sql); $stm->bindParam(':mypassword', $ans, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stm->execute(); echo $stm->fetchColumn();

How do SQL injections conceptually work? (brief)

Possible Duplicates: What is SQL injection? XKCD SQL injection - please explain I own a company and am wishing to know the runabouts of PHP while I am hiring for people to maintain and extend code for its websites, I was looing up on security on SQL injections and do not quite understand how these codes can affect the SQL database as they are in contained strings to the query. How may one

SQL注入在概念上如何工作? (简要)

可能重复: 什么是SQL注入? XKCD SQL注入 - 请解释 我拥有一家公司,并且希望知道PHP在我为人员维护和扩展其网站代码的过程中所享有的乐趣,但我并不十分理解这些代码如何影响SQL数据库因为它们在查询中包含字符串。 如何显示安全漏洞,以便我可以看到发生了什么? 虽然大部分内容都可以在网上解释,但我有一种感觉可以更详细地解释这一点。 如果你能想象这个字符串会变成什么样,你就会明白你正在编写的脚本的潜在

SQL Injection Username and Password

This question already has an answer here: How does the SQL injection from the “Bobby Tables” XKCD comic work? 12 answers your problem is located in the select statement: SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password' Imagine a user providing the name ' OR 1=1 LIMIT 1 -- (note the space after -- ) It would always exactly return ONE result row - so the login is v


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 来自“Bobby Tables”XKCD漫画的SQL注入是如何工作的? 12个答案 你的问题位于select语句中: SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password' 试想一下,用户提供的名称' OR 1=1 LIMIT 1 --注意后面的空格--它总是准确返回一行结果-这样的登录是有效的,导致执行将是查询: SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='' OR 1=1 LIMIT 1 -- ' AND password='$passwo

Single Quote Escape in PDO Prepared Statement Parameters

So I understand PDO Prepared Statements should protect from SQL injection and ' escapes. But when I attempted the following... if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && isset($_POST["id"])) { $id = $_POST["id"]; //$id = "2' AND name='Entry2"; $someinfo = "updated"; ...DB Stuff... $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $dbpassw


所以我明白PDO Prepared Statements应该保护SQL注入和逃避。 但是当我尝试以下... if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && isset($_POST["id"])) { $id = $_POST["id"]; //$id = "2' AND name='Entry2"; $someinfo = "updated"; ...DB Stuff... $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $dbpassword); $stmt = $conn->prepare("UPDATE testdb SE

How prepared statement protect again SQL injection in below statement

I have gone through various document (SO post as well) about how exactly Prepared statement of PDO protect user from SQL injection. Although,I understand it protect user because in prepared statement,user record is directly not executing on server insted we are sending positional / named parameter ( ? / :name) and then we send actual data in execute statement, and because of that it saves us fr


我已经阅读了各种文档(SO post),以及PDO的Prepared语句如何保护用户免于SQL注入。 虽然,我知道它保护用户,因为在准备好的语句中,用户记录直接不在服务器上执行insted我们正在发送位置/命名参数(?/:名称),然后我们发送实际数据在执行语句中,因此它节省我们从SQL注入。 那么,现在,如果我有下面的SQL代码: $query = "select * from user where id = $user_input_id"; 和用户输入id = 1 所以查询将会是这样的

PGSQL driver support prepared statement?

I am using PosgreSQL and PDO on my projects. As is said here How can prepared statements protect from SQL injection attacks? by default PDO does not use prepared statements for database drivers which does not support it. Does the PosgreSQL database driver (PDO_PGSQL) support prepared statement? Thanks. PDO does not use native prepared statements by default, meaning it's emulating prepar


我在我的项目上使用PosgreSQL和PDO。 正如这里所说的,准备好的语句如何防止SQL注入攻击? 默认情况下,PDO不会为不支持它的数据库驱动程序使用预准备语句。 PosgreSQL数据库驱动程序(PDO_PGSQL)是否支持准备好的语句? 谢谢。 PDO默认不使用本地预处理语句,这意味着它在内部模拟预处理语句,而不是使用实际存在的数据库API。 您可以通过将PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES设置为false来关闭该行为。 PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_P

PDO prepared statement and bindValues from an array

I have the following block of code in a PDO statement: $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO first_page_data (title, first_name, surname, phone, email, add1, add2, add3, add4, add5) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $stmt->bindValue(1, $_POST['title'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(2, $_POST['first_name'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(3, $_POST['surname'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt-&


我在PDO语句中有以下代码块: $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO first_page_data (title, first_name, surname, phone, email, add1, add2, add3, add4, add5) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $stmt->bindValue(1, $_POST['title'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(2, $_POST['first_name'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(3, $_POST['surname'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(4, $_POST['pho

How to make prepared statement using PDO in advanced queries?

I would like to ask for help with converting my mysql_* query to prepared statement using PDO technology. There are many of them which I cannot find on the internet how to solve them properly - mostly advanced ones like this one for example: mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pet_auction JOIN people ON (pet_auction.pet=people.guid) LEFT OUTER JOIN login.account ON (pet_auction.winner=login


我想请求帮助将我的mysql_ *查询转换为使用PDO技术的准备语句。 其中有很多我在互联网上无法找到的如何正确解决它们 - 大多数是先进的,例如: mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pet_auction JOIN people ON (pet_auction.pet=people.guid) LEFT OUTER JOIN login.account ON (pet_auction.winner=login.account.id) WHERE active=1 AND seller=$userid ORDER BY id DESC"); 如何使用它们成功将其转换为P

mySQL private/conn issues

I'm having some issues with a 1&1 account a client of mine is hosted with. I'm getting errors on lines 2 & 20 (denoted as bold below), which doesn't make sense as they're basic php functions. I've used this same script dozens of times with no issues, until putting it on this 1&1 account. Is anyone seeing something I may be missing? class Mysql { private $conn

mySQL私人/ conn问题

我与我的客户托管的1&1帐户存在一些问题。 我在第2和第20行出现错误(表示为粗体),这是没有意义的,因为它们是基本的PHP函数。 我已经使用这个相同的脚本几十次没有问题,直到把它放在这个1和1帐户。 有人看到我可能错过的东西吗? class Mysql { 私人$ conn; 函数__construct(){$ this-> conn = new mysqli(DB_SERVER,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD,DB_NAME)或die('连接数据库时出现问题'); } 函数ver